Thursday, December 11, 2008
Drill master...
We now have a drill sergeant at home....he's head does not even reach pass our waist but his commands and orders are quick and sharp. At times you have no choice but to succumb to his wishes. Yes am talking about my son. Ever since he managed to master a few important words, he has been making his requests known...loud and clear and what he can't find English words for he makes it up with gibberish (which we are expected to understand too cos he gets irritated when we don't!)
Each has been....marmee/dadeee pick up, sit, come, up, call (for when he wants to play with the phone), take out, Zac Zac eat, Zac Zac see, outside etc etc...
Its hard to ignore certain commands as we don't want to be too permissive but its a tough call cos we are trying to encourage him to use his words to ask for what he wants instead of throwing a tantrum or crying!
Each has been....marmee/dadeee pick up, sit, come, up, call (for when he wants to play with the phone), take out, Zac Zac eat, Zac Zac see, outside etc etc...
Its hard to ignore certain commands as we don't want to be too permissive but its a tough call cos we are trying to encourage him to use his words to ask for what he wants instead of throwing a tantrum or crying!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
A bullet train
Have been feeling like a bullet train these few weeks or i'm speeding through life not stopping at stations to refuel and recharge and zooming through life not being able to appreciate my surroundings or what is happening around me. Have been so caught up with mothering and coping with everyday chores and things that i think i've neglected many other parts of life.
Think i need to put on the brakes soon...before i forget where i'm heading to! And to friends whom i've neglected to catch up with...i'm sorry! THAT will have to change...
Think i need to put on the brakes soon...before i forget where i'm heading to! And to friends whom i've neglected to catch up with...i'm sorry! THAT will have to change...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Lately (actually about a month ago), Zac has taken a general liking to yelling out for it out of necessity, urgency or just plain boredom. Initially, he couldn't get it i was mama for quite sometime, then one was marmeeee. Sometimes, its so pleasant sounding and sweet, other times i hear his urgency for shouting out marmee, and also there are other times where is plain infuriating, especially when its marmee this and marmee that and only MARMEE!!
But i guess, in his world, i am the only one who qualifies to be his marmeeee!!!
But i guess, in his world, i am the only one who qualifies to be his marmeeee!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
My very curious son...
My son has a few very curious habits that are oh-so-zachary...thought i should write about them so that i can laugh over them when i have trying days with him!
- He has taken to wearing his still-too-big-sandals-which-are-kept-in-his-cupboard-till-he-grows-into-them around the house. Every morning after breakfast, he will ask me to help him put them on. Even though he trips on them frequently, he will still insist that i put them on for him.
- He has an obsession with EGGS! He has learnt that E-G-G starts with the alphabet E, every time he spots a letter E...he shouts out EGGS in glee! And if he so happens to spy some eggs on the dinner table that's all he will have! Same thing with RICE!
- Zac enjoys walking around the house while holding two objects in his hands...and the two objects have to be the same items, for eg, 2 play spoons, 2 play forks, 2 cars, 2 play EGGS, 2 books etc etc. If he can't find something similar for the other hand, he will find something else that comes in a pair!
- He finds it essential to cross his legs when he is seated in the car-seat. If you un-cross them, he will cross them back.
That's the list for now...quite sure it will grow the more he grows! I wonder what goes on in his little mind....
- He has taken to wearing his still-too-big-sandals-which-are-kept-in-his-cupboard-till-he-grows-into-them around the house. Every morning after breakfast, he will ask me to help him put them on. Even though he trips on them frequently, he will still insist that i put them on for him.
- He has an obsession with EGGS! He has learnt that E-G-G starts with the alphabet E, every time he spots a letter E...he shouts out EGGS in glee! And if he so happens to spy some eggs on the dinner table that's all he will have! Same thing with RICE!
- Zac enjoys walking around the house while holding two objects in his hands...and the two objects have to be the same items, for eg, 2 play spoons, 2 play forks, 2 cars, 2 play EGGS, 2 books etc etc. If he can't find something similar for the other hand, he will find something else that comes in a pair!
- He finds it essential to cross his legs when he is seated in the car-seat. If you un-cross them, he will cross them back.
That's the list for now...quite sure it will grow the more he grows! I wonder what goes on in his little mind....
Monday, November 17, 2008
We are expanding...
A bit sooner than expected but i guess God feels that its time for Zac to share his mummy and daddy with someone else!
We are both excited and eager to welcome no. 2 into our family but i am still kind of overwhelmed by the prospect of keeping my sanity with 2 kids!! Zac has just turned 18 months so he is at his prime in terms of misbehaving, testing limits, being cheeky and bouncing off the walls with extreme energy at that probably contributes to my apprehensiveness of mothering TWO! But i know with each challenge God's grace is doubled...
Zac, i think, has no idea what's ahead...but when i ask him where the baby is...he now knows that its in mummy's tummy, but quite soon after that he will also point to his tummy, so hmmm...not too sure if he knows what is going on at all.
Exciting times ahead...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Today was one of those days...
....where i feel like running away to a secluded island and screaming my lungs out!!
Zac has been very very temperamental today...very very clingy and just a absolute challenge! He yells and screams every time i leave him and step into the kitchen, actually he really hates it when i have to cook dinners or lunches...he will stand at the gate (a child-proof gate leading to the kitchen) and cry his eyes out. I have tried explaining to him why i have to be in there....doesn't work. I have tried indulging him by playing with him for awhile hoping that he will be satisfied and leave me to cook his doesn't work. I have tried bringing out my pots and pans to encourage him to imitate me hoping that he will be distracted by works but only for 2 minutes! I have tried ignoring him....but i feel my blood boil with each screaming episode.
Today was extra bad, was already kind of behind in getting dinner started, and i know that i have to get it ready for Zac or he will be really impatient with hunger. SIGH
Days like this that i don't even dare to entertain the idea of having a second one and i really wonder how mothers-of-more-than-one-kid manage???
Days like these really make me feel so helpless...Lord give me the strength and peace of mind.
Zac has been very very temperamental today...very very clingy and just a absolute challenge! He yells and screams every time i leave him and step into the kitchen, actually he really hates it when i have to cook dinners or lunches...he will stand at the gate (a child-proof gate leading to the kitchen) and cry his eyes out. I have tried explaining to him why i have to be in there....doesn't work. I have tried indulging him by playing with him for awhile hoping that he will be satisfied and leave me to cook his doesn't work. I have tried bringing out my pots and pans to encourage him to imitate me hoping that he will be distracted by works but only for 2 minutes! I have tried ignoring him....but i feel my blood boil with each screaming episode.
Today was extra bad, was already kind of behind in getting dinner started, and i know that i have to get it ready for Zac or he will be really impatient with hunger. SIGH
Days like this that i don't even dare to entertain the idea of having a second one and i really wonder how mothers-of-more-than-one-kid manage???
Days like these really make me feel so helpless...Lord give me the strength and peace of mind.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Something is amiss
Hazy...think that's the word to describe how i'm feeling these days...feel like there is something amiss in my life, and even then i am not too sure if i absolutely feel that way!
I am enjoying being a full time mother to Zac and most days i relish the time spent with him, give and take the terrible moments or days that we have. But when all is quiet (that only occurs during his afternoon nap!) i feel like i am missing something or like there are some parts of my life that has not felt any closure. I feel hazy...
Do i want to take up a part time job? What do i really want to pursue? Maybe i am happy where i am but the world prompts me to think otherwise. Sigh...Eugene thinks that i should take a mini retreat to clear the haze, even when i talk to him about it i am hazy...
Lord...blow a breeze of fresh air to clear the haze.
I am enjoying being a full time mother to Zac and most days i relish the time spent with him, give and take the terrible moments or days that we have. But when all is quiet (that only occurs during his afternoon nap!) i feel like i am missing something or like there are some parts of my life that has not felt any closure. I feel hazy...
Do i want to take up a part time job? What do i really want to pursue? Maybe i am happy where i am but the world prompts me to think otherwise. Sigh...Eugene thinks that i should take a mini retreat to clear the haze, even when i talk to him about it i am hazy...
Lord...blow a breeze of fresh air to clear the haze.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The 3 boys in the cry-room
Monday, July 28, 2008
Our relationship grows
Its been sometime since i wrote about my little man...well, in about a week's time he will be a 15 month old!
Eversince we moved...think he has grown up quite a bit, a few reasons why i say that...he is now sleeping in his own room, he does not need me to pat or hold him to sleep anymore as he would rather do it himself, he is getting more chatty and wanting to relate and understand me too, he is often deep in thought in the car instead of whining and screaming, he is wanting to walk on his own, he is wanting to make decisions on his own and he seems to understand alot more than i give him credit for. He is growing and i have never been so aware of it till now.
I give thanks to Him for giving me the opportunity to witness this each day...i just pray that i don't get too swamped by housework and cooking that i forget to spend time with this little man of mine. Remember i use to DREAD meal times...surprisingly these are treasured times now, cos its these times when we have chats while we eat...just me and my boy.
Eversince we moved...think he has grown up quite a bit, a few reasons why i say that...he is now sleeping in his own room, he does not need me to pat or hold him to sleep anymore as he would rather do it himself, he is getting more chatty and wanting to relate and understand me too, he is often deep in thought in the car instead of whining and screaming, he is wanting to walk on his own, he is wanting to make decisions on his own and he seems to understand alot more than i give him credit for. He is growing and i have never been so aware of it till now.
I give thanks to Him for giving me the opportunity to witness this each day...i just pray that i don't get too swamped by housework and cooking that i forget to spend time with this little man of mine. Remember i use to DREAD meal times...surprisingly these are treasured times now, cos its these times when we have chats while we eat...just me and my boy.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
It has been some time...cos we have been busy finding furniture, tiles, choosing bathroom stuff, deciding on paint colours, pondering over fixtures, packing, cleaning, unpacking and more cleaning....finally by God's grace we are now in our own home. Our very first now we are also so very much in debt!
It has been a few very tiring days...but after each night when i drag myself to bed...i am thankful and happy that we are now in our own place.
Zac has been trying his best to adapt and adjust to this new place...AND also sleeping in his own room. I must say that he did well...a few cries in the night but overall he slept well. He seems quite happy with his room and is always eager to go into it, especially to ransack all the drawers!!
Very tired now...will jot down more when i have more energy!!
It has been a few very tiring days...but after each night when i drag myself to bed...i am thankful and happy that we are now in our own place.
Zac has been trying his best to adapt and adjust to this new place...AND also sleeping in his own room. I must say that he did well...a few cries in the night but overall he slept well. He seems quite happy with his room and is always eager to go into it, especially to ransack all the drawers!!
Very tired now...will jot down more when i have more energy!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I refuse to be fed and i refuse to sleep through the night but mummy and daddy still loves me...i hope!
Yes...we still love him.
Zac has decided one fine day that he no longer wants to be fed but to feed himself. We used to be able to let him feed himself with some finger food (like boiled brocolli, carrots, cereal etc) while i shove his porridge down as quick as possible! But 2 days back...he absolutely refused to open his mouth and just wanted to pick up the food on his own to feed himself. When i insisted in feeding him and appeared not to know what he wanted he threw a huge tantrum...the kind that i've never seen before! After battling a few more meals with him, we surrendered and decided that indeed he just wants to be independent and feed himself. I guess no reason to get all worked up about it. Sigh...just when i was getting proficient in planning, cooking and feeding him his meals, everything has changed again!
So now i have to think finger-foods...i have to crack my brains to think of all his meals in terms of "finger-food" form! Means no more porridge!! Everything needs to be held!! That means...soft rice, boiled carrots, peas, brocolli, meat and fish (that can be held), eggs (to be held) URGH!!! When is it going to get easier!! I regretted the day i said that i can't wait for him to eat solids! Thank God that after a few days of frustration and VERY MESSY meals...think we have settled into an understanding of some form...
THe NEXT thing...
He used to be able to sleep through the night pretty well...wakes up at 6am for a quick drink and then falls back to sleep till about 730. BUT the last few nights has been HORRENDOUS...last night was the worst...waking up every hour to cry...after stuffing the dummy into his mouth he would sleep for a few hours before the same thing happens again! It better just be his teething issues, cos i read that this usually happens during teething...cos gums are itching and hurting. Only 1 tooth is very visible...he has lots more to go!! SIGH
Fortunately the good bits during the day makes up for all the bad ones...
Zac has decided one fine day that he no longer wants to be fed but to feed himself. We used to be able to let him feed himself with some finger food (like boiled brocolli, carrots, cereal etc) while i shove his porridge down as quick as possible! But 2 days back...he absolutely refused to open his mouth and just wanted to pick up the food on his own to feed himself. When i insisted in feeding him and appeared not to know what he wanted he threw a huge tantrum...the kind that i've never seen before! After battling a few more meals with him, we surrendered and decided that indeed he just wants to be independent and feed himself. I guess no reason to get all worked up about it. Sigh...just when i was getting proficient in planning, cooking and feeding him his meals, everything has changed again!
So now i have to think finger-foods...i have to crack my brains to think of all his meals in terms of "finger-food" form! Means no more porridge!! Everything needs to be held!! That means...soft rice, boiled carrots, peas, brocolli, meat and fish (that can be held), eggs (to be held) URGH!!! When is it going to get easier!! I regretted the day i said that i can't wait for him to eat solids! Thank God that after a few days of frustration and VERY MESSY meals...think we have settled into an understanding of some form...
THe NEXT thing...
He used to be able to sleep through the night pretty well...wakes up at 6am for a quick drink and then falls back to sleep till about 730. BUT the last few nights has been HORRENDOUS...last night was the worst...waking up every hour to cry...after stuffing the dummy into his mouth he would sleep for a few hours before the same thing happens again! It better just be his teething issues, cos i read that this usually happens during teething...cos gums are itching and hurting. Only 1 tooth is very visible...he has lots more to go!! SIGH
Fortunately the good bits during the day makes up for all the bad ones...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Houston...we have made contact!
Zac has decided that he can't turn 13 months without any he has summoned one! Yeah! Finally...we don't have to start wondering if late teething is normal! Now hopefully the emergence of the phantom teeth don't cause him too much grieve!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Ho residence...
Its getting there...we have been checking the place a few times each week and willing the renovations to progress quicker! So far so good...prob cos we didn't really do extensive-knock-down-walls kind of renos...with God's grace it should be done by the end of this month. Hopefully able to move in by the end of next month...And by then we can finally put Zac in his own room! more sneaking around in the room and trying to ignore him (by pretending to be busy reading) while he tries to put himself to sleep!
Now have to settle the soft furnishings for our place...anybody have good lobang (bargains) for curtains and blinds?
Now have to settle the soft furnishings for our place...anybody have good lobang (bargains) for curtains and blinds?
Friday, May 30, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Leaving him behind...
Feeling ill-equipped to face the toddler years...we signed ourselves up for a short parenting seminar lasting 2 days at the Singapore Bible College. It starts tonight and ends tomorrow afternoon. So taking this opportunity to fulfill my parent's "desire" to have Zachary stay with them for a sleep over...we are leaving Mr mini Ho with his tata and nei nei (we decided to embrace our Hakka roots...Hakka for grandpa and grandma) tonight.
Feeling abit nervous about how he will treat them! And strangely felt abit lost just thinking about it...but of cos it is a very welcomed break! The first time he stayed with went quite they shouldn't have any problems...technically speaking!
Feeling abit nervous about how he will treat them! And strangely felt abit lost just thinking about it...but of cos it is a very welcomed break! The first time he stayed with went quite they shouldn't have any problems...technically speaking!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I want to touch too!
Our supermarket experiences used to be pretty relaxing and fun...i get to buy what i want to buy in peace, with Zac strapped to the baby carrier and Zac contentedly taking in all the sights and sounds with a running commentary by moi!
But these is no longer PEACEFUL!!
Firstly...i can no longer strap him into the carrier...he is too big for it, feel bad squashing him in..although it is so so convenient as it gives me hands-free shopping! So now i have to trick him into the pram...why trick, cos our Mr all-grown-up hates being in the pram these days!! He wants to either be carried or get down to "walk".
Secondly...he wants to touch EVERYTHING!! When i am choosing cereals or stuff...he wants to hold it or demands to be entertained. If i am choosing vegetables or fruits, he wants to be in the know and wants to touch it too!! URGH! If i refuse to let him have it...he screams in anguish! SIGH doesn't help that supermarket queues seem to be getting longer and longer...and nobody is sympathetic to a mother with a whiney kid in a pram!
And lastly...of cos when i take my wallet to pay up and press the buttons on the ATM machine...Mr want-to-be-involved-in-everything wants a piece of the action too!
And oh doesn't end there...there is another big struggle and cajoling when i have to strap him in his car seat. Eversince he turned one...this great need of independence is rearing its ugly head! days are never "boring".
But these is no longer PEACEFUL!!
Firstly...i can no longer strap him into the carrier...he is too big for it, feel bad squashing him in..although it is so so convenient as it gives me hands-free shopping! So now i have to trick him into the pram...why trick, cos our Mr all-grown-up hates being in the pram these days!! He wants to either be carried or get down to "walk".
Secondly...he wants to touch EVERYTHING!! When i am choosing cereals or stuff...he wants to hold it or demands to be entertained. If i am choosing vegetables or fruits, he wants to be in the know and wants to touch it too!! URGH! If i refuse to let him have it...he screams in anguish! SIGH doesn't help that supermarket queues seem to be getting longer and longer...and nobody is sympathetic to a mother with a whiney kid in a pram!
And lastly...of cos when i take my wallet to pay up and press the buttons on the ATM machine...Mr want-to-be-involved-in-everything wants a piece of the action too!
And oh doesn't end there...there is another big struggle and cajoling when i have to strap him in his car seat. Eversince he turned one...this great need of independence is rearing its ugly head! days are never "boring".
Monday, May 12, 2008
We are now heading towards toddlerhood!

Celebrated Zac's first year on earth over the weekend. Lots of last minute preparation as we were pretty complacent about the details! But essentially we were glad to have loved ones with us on that day...and most importantly i think Zac had a bit TOO much fun!
But as i looked at him that day crawling round the heart filled with much love and thankfulness toward the Almighty for blessing us with this little now i am a mother of a 1 year old! Facing the toddler years are going to be challenging...but i thank God for the support and guidance that He has given me through the various people He has placed in my life.
The beautifully taken photograph was taken by a good friend, Shawn. We requested for his services for that if anybody is interested to "hire" him you know who to ask!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
"Hot mama"...a headline splashed on the urban section of the newspapers today...hard to miss. An article about weigth lost and how 4 mums managed to look trim and beautiful while handling a baby and a career at the same time...yummy mummies. What a joke...its idealism like this that makes a mockery of what everyday mummies go through each day. Not only do we manage to keep ourselves sane and at the same time ensure that the household is functioning well...we are also expected to look fabulous at the same time!! Is that humanly possible? But i believe that God made us that way...having the ability to cope with mothering...
So to all my mummy friends out there...i take my hat off to all of you...indeed we share a unique journey that only another mother can understand...hang in there and give yourself a little treat each day! You are doing a great job in getting through each day! Blessed Mother's day in advance.
So to all my mummy friends out there...i take my hat off to all of you...indeed we share a unique journey that only another mother can understand...hang in there and give yourself a little treat each day! You are doing a great job in getting through each day! Blessed Mother's day in advance.
Monday, May 5, 2008
I am a BIG boy now
Lets just say that i think my boy decided to grow up over the weekend!
- He refuses to be fed by me now...more interested in using his hands to put food into his now i have to rethink his meals again and make them more "finger-friendly". Have tried stuffing a spoonful of his meal into his mouth while he opens his mouth to finger-feed himself...after trying that a few times, Zac realised that he has been tricked and won't let me do that a second time! When did he get so smart?? Meal times were disastrous and highly stressful...think i acquired some strands of white hair over the weekend. It also doesn't help that when we were out...others around us kept giving us dirty looks when Zac screamed in protest...i mean...we were trying our best so cut us some slack please!SIGH
- He wants to be put down everytime we carry him. He dislikes being strapped into his pram now...always screams in protest.
- He doesn't like to be put down for naps...we gave up last night and just plonked him in his bed on his own. He kept tossing and turning till he got really tired and then he relented and allowed us to pat him to that time it was 1030pm already...there goes "me" time in the evenings...SIGH
- He makes his desires known...when his mind is all set to do something he gets agitated when stopped or when we don't understand what he wants.
- He wants to decide for himself what he wants to have for meals...yesterday he survived on bread and toasties (toasted oat cereal that he loves!).
- He is now able to call mama and dada!!
- When he utters something...he looks at me increduously when i don't understand him.
- He went for his first "professional" hair cut....and i think they cut his "innocent-baby" days away hoo...
But all this is part of growing up...i guess its time for mummy to "grow" too...maybe i have to treat my little boy as a toddler now. Just when i thought i was getting the hang of things...
- He refuses to be fed by me now...more interested in using his hands to put food into his now i have to rethink his meals again and make them more "finger-friendly". Have tried stuffing a spoonful of his meal into his mouth while he opens his mouth to finger-feed himself...after trying that a few times, Zac realised that he has been tricked and won't let me do that a second time! When did he get so smart?? Meal times were disastrous and highly stressful...think i acquired some strands of white hair over the weekend. It also doesn't help that when we were out...others around us kept giving us dirty looks when Zac screamed in protest...i mean...we were trying our best so cut us some slack please!SIGH
- He wants to be put down everytime we carry him. He dislikes being strapped into his pram now...always screams in protest.
- He doesn't like to be put down for naps...we gave up last night and just plonked him in his bed on his own. He kept tossing and turning till he got really tired and then he relented and allowed us to pat him to that time it was 1030pm already...there goes "me" time in the evenings...SIGH
- He makes his desires known...when his mind is all set to do something he gets agitated when stopped or when we don't understand what he wants.
- He wants to decide for himself what he wants to have for meals...yesterday he survived on bread and toasties (toasted oat cereal that he loves!).
- He is now able to call mama and dada!!
- When he utters something...he looks at me increduously when i don't understand him.
- He went for his first "professional" hair cut....and i think they cut his "innocent-baby" days away hoo...
But all this is part of growing up...i guess its time for mummy to "grow" too...maybe i have to treat my little boy as a toddler now. Just when i thought i was getting the hang of things...
Monday, April 28, 2008
My rashy boy and a very tiring few days
All was going well and smoothly...till a few days back when Zac developed a fever. Characteristic of first-time parents we rushed him to the doctors the very day and came away with some panadol for him. The next day he was still feeling feverish but seem to be very much himself change in apetite and no other symptoms so we left him with my mum's while we met up with our interior designer (yes..we are finally doing the house up..would probably be liveable by the end of June..yay!) But when we picked him up his fever was still pretty high...started getting worried so we brought him to the docs again...this time had to a go the a 24hr clinic in TMC...doc said that its probably a throat infection as his throat seems a bit red...gave us antibiotics and more panadol and told us to monitor his fever we were up every 4 hours stuffing the thermometer into the arm pits of a crying Zac and feeding a sleeping baby panadol!!
The next day, he started developing rashes...sigh! So off to the docs we went again...this time the doc ordered a blood test to be done so as to be conclusive as to what he was suffering from. First time getting blood out of Zac and it was not a pretty experience! Results came back and his platelet count was a bit on the low side, doc was not sure if its due to the virus he was fighting or something more sinister. Doc concluded that its probably a viral rash but he said to come back for another blood test in a few days time if rashes get worse. Well...rashes started we just came back from another blood test (again was not a pretty experience!).
Really thank God that it was nothing...platelet count has gone back to it is concluded that he is having a viral rash...not contagious and not itchy.
I found out alot about myself as a mother from this few very tiring days....i thank God for a supportive husband and Zac has a fantastic daddy....and i realised that i make a very jittery and anxious mother. Need to learn to leave it in His hands and to accept that He is in control of all things. Cos' think there will be a lot more of such episodes in future...
Am praying that we don't have to take any blood out of Zac for some time more...
The next day, he started developing rashes...sigh! So off to the docs we went again...this time the doc ordered a blood test to be done so as to be conclusive as to what he was suffering from. First time getting blood out of Zac and it was not a pretty experience! Results came back and his platelet count was a bit on the low side, doc was not sure if its due to the virus he was fighting or something more sinister. Doc concluded that its probably a viral rash but he said to come back for another blood test in a few days time if rashes get worse. Well...rashes started we just came back from another blood test (again was not a pretty experience!).
Really thank God that it was nothing...platelet count has gone back to it is concluded that he is having a viral rash...not contagious and not itchy.
I found out alot about myself as a mother from this few very tiring days....i thank God for a supportive husband and Zac has a fantastic daddy....and i realised that i make a very jittery and anxious mother. Need to learn to leave it in His hands and to accept that He is in control of all things. Cos' think there will be a lot more of such episodes in future...
Am praying that we don't have to take any blood out of Zac for some time more...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
No no
Zac has mastered the art of shaking his head in a respond to the command NO! Now every time he sees me frown at him or mention his name sternly...he would shake his head vigorously. Now am trying to teach him to nod his head!
2 more weeks...and wee little one is no longer too little....1 year ago...time flies at the same time time stands still. Know what i mean?
2 more weeks...and wee little one is no longer too little....1 year ago...time flies at the same time time stands still. Know what i mean?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Me and my cage!
My 2 boys...
Friday, April 11, 2008
And another one...
And then there was there are 5 of us! Awaiting arrival of number 6...Congrats Veron and Jeff! Can't wait to take a nice picture of all 6 of Lijun you better come back in December.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
A few signs that Zac is growing up!
- He is starting to understand the word "No" or "Stop". In the past, he would just carry on carrying out the dirty deed but now...he looks at me cheekily then carries out the dirty deed.
- He is responding verbally when i ask him questions and tries to join in conversations i have with other people.
- I no longer have to puree his food to death...although he has no teeth yet, he is able to chew on much lumpier food. That is a great relief to me...saves me having to use the blender (more washing!)
- He can now reach for objects which we used to think were too hard for him to reach out to grab!
- He is now able to choose which books he wants to read.
- He is starting to "tell" us what he wants...either verbally or non-verbally.
- He is now able to drink from his sippy cup without drenching his top with water.
- He might need to start wearing shoes he is always wanting to be put down onto the floor to stand when we are out.
- He is starting to hold "conversations" with other babies.
- He now recognises familiar people.
- He is starting to imitate actions really well and understand instructions alot better.
- We now have to start buying a whole batch of larger-sized clothes.
- We no longer can stuff him into his back-facing car seat.
- He is responding verbally when i ask him questions and tries to join in conversations i have with other people.
- I no longer have to puree his food to death...although he has no teeth yet, he is able to chew on much lumpier food. That is a great relief to me...saves me having to use the blender (more washing!)
- He can now reach for objects which we used to think were too hard for him to reach out to grab!
- He is now able to choose which books he wants to read.
- He is starting to "tell" us what he wants...either verbally or non-verbally.
- He is now able to drink from his sippy cup without drenching his top with water.
- He might need to start wearing shoes he is always wanting to be put down onto the floor to stand when we are out.
- He is starting to hold "conversations" with other babies.
- He now recognises familiar people.
- He is starting to imitate actions really well and understand instructions alot better.
- We now have to start buying a whole batch of larger-sized clothes.
- We no longer can stuff him into his back-facing car seat.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Give the kid a break
I think i expect too much from Zac...lately i've been complaining alot...about how his day time naps are so erratic, about how he has been waking up during the night, about how he wakes up far too early, about how he fusses to be let down onto the floor when we are out, about etc etc.
But today...God reminded me that...he is only a 10.5 month old baby, and i should give him a break! Sorry Zac...mummy has been too overwhelmed by the little things and failed to look at the bigger!
And i thank God again...for giving me you!
Can't believe that he will be turning one soon...but in the little things he does i am starting to see my little boy maturing each day...may my wisdom as a mother mature each day too....
But today...God reminded me that...he is only a 10.5 month old baby, and i should give him a break! Sorry Zac...mummy has been too overwhelmed by the little things and failed to look at the bigger!
And i thank God again...for giving me you!
Can't believe that he will be turning one soon...but in the little things he does i am starting to see my little boy maturing each day...may my wisdom as a mother mature each day too....
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
15 mins
Zac could only keep himself asleep for 15 mins this after another 15 mins of me trying in vain to get him back to napping...i gave up. Decided that maybe we should do something different this morning...wanted to attempt to spend some leisurely time at Coffee bean...had images of me sipping coffee and flipping through a mag leisurely, while Zac occupies himself in his high chair.
WRONG image...the total time we ended up spending in coffee bean....15 mins!
WRONG image...the total time we ended up spending in coffee bean....15 mins!
We could but we don't
For all who have been asking how the boy is doing...thank God he is alot better and we seem to have bade the cough "bye bye". It's amazing how much guilt i felt whenever i heard him cough, but i realised that such things are out of my hands and i thank God for good health eversince. Such things cannot be taken for granted.
Think we kind of have our nap thing sorted out. Now...Zac would only sleep for the most 45 mins in the morning...and konk out after lunch around 2...he usually (hopefully i don't jinx it by putting this down!) sleeps for about 2 he is up again by 4!! That means alot more entertainment is needed!!! I have been so wiped out by the end of the day. But thank God...he is sleeping slightly earlier in the night too...knocks out by 9.30...BUT has been waking up at 5 these few mornings. So you can imagine...we are very tired! We will try to delay his "official" waking till at least 6.
I guess i could go to bed that he is sleeping earlier...but i don't. I am so unwilling to succumb to my sleep....i treasure my "me" time too much...that's the only time where i can do whatever i treasured. So i plough on with 6 hours sleep! Sigh...and still no sign of those pearly whites in Zac's mouth!!!
Think we kind of have our nap thing sorted out. Now...Zac would only sleep for the most 45 mins in the morning...and konk out after lunch around 2...he usually (hopefully i don't jinx it by putting this down!) sleeps for about 2 he is up again by 4!! That means alot more entertainment is needed!!! I have been so wiped out by the end of the day. But thank God...he is sleeping slightly earlier in the night too...knocks out by 9.30...BUT has been waking up at 5 these few mornings. So you can imagine...we are very tired! We will try to delay his "official" waking till at least 6.
I guess i could go to bed that he is sleeping earlier...but i don't. I am so unwilling to succumb to my sleep....i treasure my "me" time too much...that's the only time where i can do whatever i treasured. So i plough on with 6 hours sleep! Sigh...and still no sign of those pearly whites in Zac's mouth!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Throwing in the towel...
Today is one of those days when i really felt like throwing in the towel. But is that possible? NO...cos there is no towel to throw! Unfortunately this towel is attached to me....sigh
Zac and i have been in and out of the doctor's clinic about 4 times these past few days...Zac has a cough...went to see the doctor yesterday...after taking medication, noticed spots on his leg very much like insect bites...but lots. Got worried sent him back to the doctors again in the evening thinking that it might be an allergic reaction to the medication. Doctor said it is just bites and he has extra sensitive skin that reacts to these particular bites. skin had a violent reaction to some weird mosquito that has biten me...cream was given from the doc...but still didn't help...went back to the doc today...more cream and washes...SIGH SIGH SIGH SIGH
Zac and i have been in and out of the doctor's clinic about 4 times these past few days...Zac has a cough...went to see the doctor yesterday...after taking medication, noticed spots on his leg very much like insect bites...but lots. Got worried sent him back to the doctors again in the evening thinking that it might be an allergic reaction to the medication. Doctor said it is just bites and he has extra sensitive skin that reacts to these particular bites. skin had a violent reaction to some weird mosquito that has biten me...cream was given from the doc...but still didn't help...went back to the doc today...more cream and washes...SIGH SIGH SIGH SIGH
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
But i really want to!
Zachary is starting to show his desire to do things on his own and to have his way over certain things....very challenging...i feel the pressure to be consistant in how i discipline him and how i react when he acts up.
Just yesterday we had a little episode in the bedroom...there is a long wire cord kind of dangling near his leads to a plug head so we have no choice but to let it dangle there and try to move the curtains in the vain attempt to hide it from him. Eversince Zac could pull himself up he has been eyeing that wire cord for some time...and occassionally (when we are not looking) pull at it with glee! Yesterday we caught him doing it and told him firmly that "he cannot touch it as it is dangerous and its not for little children to play with". Before we could even say "cannot..." he was already pulling it with wild abandonment! Sigh! We told him firmly again that he is not to touch it and it makes us very upset when he does that...he looked at us for awhile and started pulling at it again. In a final attempt...i just said "NO! Stop pulling at the wire cord!" He looked at me and started crying. I stood there and watched him like a hawk...every time i see his hand moving towards the cord...i said firmly "NO!"...he looks at me, cries and stares longingly at the cord. Until...he finally gave up...but that was not for another few minutes and Eugene had to physically carry him away.
It was actually quite funny watching him...stare longingly at the wire cord and was as if he really really wanted to tug at it but he knows that he is forbidden from doing that.
So...what i learnt is....sometimes "NO!" seems to work better than long explanations...maybe not at this age...and he would only listen after he calms down and is physically moved from the area of temptation.
This incident and many other little incidents have made me think alot about disciplinary issues...and Eugene and i have decided that we need to talk about this further so as to be consistent when we react to Zac....and i thought the first few months were hard!
Just yesterday we had a little episode in the bedroom...there is a long wire cord kind of dangling near his leads to a plug head so we have no choice but to let it dangle there and try to move the curtains in the vain attempt to hide it from him. Eversince Zac could pull himself up he has been eyeing that wire cord for some time...and occassionally (when we are not looking) pull at it with glee! Yesterday we caught him doing it and told him firmly that "he cannot touch it as it is dangerous and its not for little children to play with". Before we could even say "cannot..." he was already pulling it with wild abandonment! Sigh! We told him firmly again that he is not to touch it and it makes us very upset when he does that...he looked at us for awhile and started pulling at it again. In a final attempt...i just said "NO! Stop pulling at the wire cord!" He looked at me and started crying. I stood there and watched him like a hawk...every time i see his hand moving towards the cord...i said firmly "NO!"...he looks at me, cries and stares longingly at the cord. Until...he finally gave up...but that was not for another few minutes and Eugene had to physically carry him away.
It was actually quite funny watching him...stare longingly at the wire cord and was as if he really really wanted to tug at it but he knows that he is forbidden from doing that.
So...what i learnt is....sometimes "NO!" seems to work better than long explanations...maybe not at this age...and he would only listen after he calms down and is physically moved from the area of temptation.
This incident and many other little incidents have made me think alot about disciplinary issues...and Eugene and i have decided that we need to talk about this further so as to be consistent when we react to Zac....and i thought the first few months were hard!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Phew...i am exhuasted from the weekend
We had a jam-packed was all about Zachary! Started on Thursday night...
- Woke up suddenly...cried and cried and cried, refusing to be consoled...cried till he threw up all over daddy and even spewed onto me! Got kind of worried after that...cos he has never thrown up that badly before and i had no idea why he was crying so hard. AFter that....he kept waking up every 15 mins till around 4 am...he slept till around 6...woke up for his milk and slept on for another hour. Both Eugene and i were totally bushed!! Eugene was tired i was we went to the doctor to get him checked out. Found out that there is nothing wrong with him....might have been wind.
- Saturday...went to get his vaccinations warned that he might catch a fever...he was pretty fine the whole of Saturday...except that he refused to take any naps that day!! only 1 nap in the i was tired out...but managed to escape for a little while by myself...needed it.
- Sunday...went to church...realised that he was heating up...came home early to get some panadol and food into him. It was EXTREMELY hard to get panadol into him!! When finally he was also EXTREMELY hard to get him to would think that he was tired from being feverish....SIGH
Its monday today...i'm feeling the tiredness but guess what...Zachary is as perky as ever!!!
- Woke up suddenly...cried and cried and cried, refusing to be consoled...cried till he threw up all over daddy and even spewed onto me! Got kind of worried after that...cos he has never thrown up that badly before and i had no idea why he was crying so hard. AFter that....he kept waking up every 15 mins till around 4 am...he slept till around 6...woke up for his milk and slept on for another hour. Both Eugene and i were totally bushed!! Eugene was tired i was we went to the doctor to get him checked out. Found out that there is nothing wrong with him....might have been wind.
- Saturday...went to get his vaccinations warned that he might catch a fever...he was pretty fine the whole of Saturday...except that he refused to take any naps that day!! only 1 nap in the i was tired out...but managed to escape for a little while by myself...needed it.
- Sunday...went to church...realised that he was heating up...came home early to get some panadol and food into him. It was EXTREMELY hard to get panadol into him!! When finally he was also EXTREMELY hard to get him to would think that he was tired from being feverish....SIGH
Its monday today...i'm feeling the tiredness but guess what...Zachary is as perky as ever!!!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I am beaming with joy...i think my little Zac has uttered his 2 purposeful words...
Nan-ten (lantern...he has been obssessed with the lanterns that have been hanging in the void deck, every time we walk pass them he looks up in awe at them, when we ask him where they are...he is quick to look in their direction).
And da-da (initially we weren't sure if he is calling out to Eugene but after a few occurences...we concluded that he is!! mama in the works yet!!)
It all occurred over this weekend...will continue to test out these new make doubly sure that he is really referring to those objects...or maybe i'm just jumping the gun??
Nan-ten (lantern...he has been obssessed with the lanterns that have been hanging in the void deck, every time we walk pass them he looks up in awe at them, when we ask him where they are...he is quick to look in their direction).
And da-da (initially we weren't sure if he is calling out to Eugene but after a few occurences...we concluded that he is!! mama in the works yet!!)
It all occurred over this weekend...will continue to test out these new make doubly sure that he is really referring to those objects...or maybe i'm just jumping the gun??
me time...
Sometimes i just need time to do things on my surf the web aimlessly, to veg out infront of the TV for awhile, to take a nice long bath, to jot some thoughts down on my journal, to flip through magazines, to spend some time with the Almighty...and these few precious minutes are either in the morning (while Zac takes a fitful nap) or at night after i put him to bed, praying hard that he doesn't stir till the sun comes out (no actually that's too hour after the sun rises would be good!). These moments are always savoured anticipation that the little boy would wake up suddenly from his nap!
I realised that these times are so precious to me...that when i don't get it (when Zac starts to fuss...or something else happens) i get very cross!! Suddenly i become very protective of that "me" time. me to be generous with my time...and grant me lots and lots of PATIENCE!!
I realised that these times are so precious to me...that when i don't get it (when Zac starts to fuss...or something else happens) i get very cross!! Suddenly i become very protective of that "me" time. me to be generous with my time...and grant me lots and lots of PATIENCE!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
My little China man...
Monday, February 11, 2008
9 months and wearing red... glad that CNY is has been such a necessary disruption for Zac and for me!! But it was good visiting friends and family...of which it was the first time many of them were being acquainted with Zac. He was brilliantly well behaved and happy at times but there were OTHER times when he was OTHERWISE. But he got the hang of receiving ang baos pretty quick! Will post a picture of him in a china man outfit when i get hold of that picture.
Zac is now 9 months...its time for me to sit and think of all that this little man has that i'll be encouraged to push on during his VERY DIFFICULT times!!
- He is now able to crawl pretty efficiently...
- He is a leaking tap! He drools constantly and abundantly!! WHERE are those teeth??
- He is able to pull himself up and is constantly practising his new skill. And of cos he choses to practise on the wobbliest of chairs! He is now officially a walking hazard!
- In one weekend...we had to lower his cot to the bottom (which makes changing him a back breaking feat) and changed his back facing car seat to front facing...which he absolutely LOVES. My little man is growing up!!
- He is now more adventurous with food...more interested in trying what we are eating than his own food at times.
- He says da da di di quite discriminately now...still trying to figure out if he knows who he is calling. And mumbles some other indiscriminate sounds too. No sign of "ma ma" yet! Not fair!
- He is more receptive of other newer books now...he used to want me to read the same few favourite books before.
- He is able to recognise familiar faces alot quicker now...slowly warming up to strangers.
- He is not content to SIT in his bath tub now...he wants to STAND and touch everything around him.
- He loves water...first swimming experience was quite pleasant...yet to bring him again.
- He still hates to wear shoes!
- Oh yah...and he is able to clap on demand! Recognises a few lights, lanterns and mirror.
9 months...and counting...
Zac is now 9 months...its time for me to sit and think of all that this little man has that i'll be encouraged to push on during his VERY DIFFICULT times!!
- He is now able to crawl pretty efficiently...
- He is a leaking tap! He drools constantly and abundantly!! WHERE are those teeth??
- He is able to pull himself up and is constantly practising his new skill. And of cos he choses to practise on the wobbliest of chairs! He is now officially a walking hazard!
- In one weekend...we had to lower his cot to the bottom (which makes changing him a back breaking feat) and changed his back facing car seat to front facing...which he absolutely LOVES. My little man is growing up!!
- He is now more adventurous with food...more interested in trying what we are eating than his own food at times.
- He says da da di di quite discriminately now...still trying to figure out if he knows who he is calling. And mumbles some other indiscriminate sounds too. No sign of "ma ma" yet! Not fair!
- He is more receptive of other newer books now...he used to want me to read the same few favourite books before.
- He is able to recognise familiar faces alot quicker now...slowly warming up to strangers.
- He is not content to SIT in his bath tub now...he wants to STAND and touch everything around him.
- He loves water...first swimming experience was quite pleasant...yet to bring him again.
- He still hates to wear shoes!
- Oh yah...and he is able to clap on demand! Recognises a few lights, lanterns and mirror.
9 months...and counting...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Che che Charis

Have been meaning to post this for sometime....
On a rainy Sat afternoon...after racking my brains for something to entertain Zac while i spend some time on the world wide web...decided to show Zac videos of Charis...and this was his reaction! Took a video of him smiling and chuckling at Charis (will post that when i figure out how to)...che che really make Zac smile!
Please don't break it!

Found this online company that rents toys for a fee....rented this for Zac (Leap frog learn and groove). He enjoys figuring out all the little buttons that need to be pressed to bring on the music and lights and of cos he has a good time banging and pulling everything. Hoping that he doesn't destroy any part of it!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Words, the MRT, no sleep and great news...
Zac has started mouthing some almost decipherable word-like sounds....we had a totally unexpected conversation today...
(while breastfeeding him)
Me: Zac, do you want anymore milk
Zac: Nut! (said very matter-of-factly!)
He has also been muttering da da na na...ah na and ah da....still no sign or ma ma! My little boy is growing up...
Zac experienced another first sis and i brought him to a little ride on the MRT. As Eugene does not drive to work...we usually get the luxury of travelling around in the car...but today decided to brave the crowds on public transport with the pram and all! Zac had a blast looking around and watching the crowd around him. Was trying to explain to him that he is in a train...but unfortunately this train doesn't go choo choo!
Zac has been TERRIBLE with his naps and sleep in general...his morning and afternoon naps are getting shorter by the day and it is sometimes a TORTURE for me to put him to bed! He falls asleep pretty well during the night but has been waking up periodically during the night....i suspect he might be teething ( sign of teeth yet!!) I hope he is that i know this stage will PASS!!
Also just found out that my ex-room mate (during uni days) is with child!! So happy for her but she is so so far away!! Come back soon!
And that ends my mish mash post!
(while breastfeeding him)
Me: Zac, do you want anymore milk
Zac: Nut! (said very matter-of-factly!)
He has also been muttering da da na na...ah na and ah da....still no sign or ma ma! My little boy is growing up...
Zac experienced another first sis and i brought him to a little ride on the MRT. As Eugene does not drive to work...we usually get the luxury of travelling around in the car...but today decided to brave the crowds on public transport with the pram and all! Zac had a blast looking around and watching the crowd around him. Was trying to explain to him that he is in a train...but unfortunately this train doesn't go choo choo!
Zac has been TERRIBLE with his naps and sleep in general...his morning and afternoon naps are getting shorter by the day and it is sometimes a TORTURE for me to put him to bed! He falls asleep pretty well during the night but has been waking up periodically during the night....i suspect he might be teething ( sign of teeth yet!!) I hope he is that i know this stage will PASS!!
Also just found out that my ex-room mate (during uni days) is with child!! So happy for her but she is so so far away!! Come back soon!
And that ends my mish mash post!
Monday, January 14, 2008
8 months!
Thought i better jot down a few of his highlights this past month...before he turns 9 months old!
- He has perfected a cheeky smile for occassions when he feels cheeky.
- He has ventured on his fours! Yes...he can crawl now...although he is a bit hesitant to crawl on the hard floor...too pain for his precious knees.
- He responds when talked to...with various sounds...or sometimes he just gives his cheeky grin.
- He is able to recognise familiar faces and welcomes them with a big smile.
- People are able to now discern that he is a boy...we used to get a few random strangers who ask us if he is a boy or girl?
- He is getting increasingly "sticky" to Eugene and i...esp when strangers want to carry him.
- He is able to pull out his dummy and has been trying to put it back into his mouth.
- He is now eating fish and various vegetables and fruits...yet to try chicken.
- He is now able to successfully pull out his socks!
- His poops are now resembling ours...oops think that was an overshare!
- He has now outgrown all his 6 month old clothes.
- He hates wearing shoes...he will try his very best to kick them off.
- He is able to recognise faces on photos.
- We think he is able to recognise and point to the objects...lights, Christmas tree, fan and tunnel.
- He has an obsession with velcro.
- He officially hates sleep!! or naps!!
- He still does not have any teeth!!! When are they coming cos his gums are giving him much grief!!!
Yup...and onto other updates..
We are finally getting the keys to our new place!! Yeah...finally...after being a nomad for almost 5 years now. We really have to decide what we want in our new place and work out our budget!
- He has perfected a cheeky smile for occassions when he feels cheeky.
- He has ventured on his fours! Yes...he can crawl now...although he is a bit hesitant to crawl on the hard floor...too pain for his precious knees.
- He responds when talked to...with various sounds...or sometimes he just gives his cheeky grin.
- He is able to recognise familiar faces and welcomes them with a big smile.
- People are able to now discern that he is a boy...we used to get a few random strangers who ask us if he is a boy or girl?
- He is getting increasingly "sticky" to Eugene and i...esp when strangers want to carry him.
- He is able to pull out his dummy and has been trying to put it back into his mouth.
- He is now eating fish and various vegetables and fruits...yet to try chicken.
- He is now able to successfully pull out his socks!
- His poops are now resembling ours...oops think that was an overshare!
- He has now outgrown all his 6 month old clothes.
- He hates wearing shoes...he will try his very best to kick them off.
- He is able to recognise faces on photos.
- We think he is able to recognise and point to the objects...lights, Christmas tree, fan and tunnel.
- He has an obsession with velcro.
- He officially hates sleep!! or naps!!
- He still does not have any teeth!!! When are they coming cos his gums are giving him much grief!!!
Yup...and onto other updates..
We are finally getting the keys to our new place!! Yeah...finally...after being a nomad for almost 5 years now. We really have to decide what we want in our new place and work out our budget!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Why can't he just sleep???
Am feeling so so frustrated with Zac at the moment!! He has been fighting his day time naps alot lately! I could be patting him for a good 20 mins...and just when i think he's sound asleep, i put him down....his eyes open and he is up on all fours inspecting the place!!! AM so irritated...i could be patting him and putting him down for an hour and finally he is asleep...and what happens after 30 mins...he is up again!!!!!! URGH!!! I truely need a lot of patience...
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Where we are...

Me (on the left)...a new mummy, still trying to get the hang of being a mother, wife, sister and daughter. 2007 was a steep learning curve for me...but with God's grace and love each was bearable. Am feeling very blessed indeed to have such a wonderful addition to my life and am thankful for a very supportive husband. Deciding to stay at home and be a full time mummy is a decision that i will definitely not regret...but its also one that is met with many ups and downs along the way. Am also very thankful for very supportive extended families, for my parents and sister and also Eugene's parents, all contributing to easing my burdens of being a new mum.
Zachary (in the middle)....very satisfied little boy. Showered with much love....trying to get his head around this world and how things work around him. Testing limits and boundaries. Warming people's hearts around him with his wide grin. Very much loved by his daddy and mummy.
Eugene (on the right) amazing dad. Always spends as much time he as with his dear son...and of cos his wife too! A good start on his journey of fatherhood....and also learning to juggle the different roles that are demanded of him.
Yup...that's where the Ho family stands at the end of 2007 and we eagerly look forward to 2008.
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