Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I want to touch too!

Our supermarket experiences used to be pretty relaxing and fun...i get to buy what i want to buy in peace, with Zac strapped to the baby carrier and Zac contentedly taking in all the sights and sounds with a running commentary by moi!
But these is no longer PEACEFUL!!
Firstly...i can no longer strap him into the carrier...he is too big for it, feel bad squashing him in..although it is so so convenient as it gives me hands-free shopping! So now i have to trick him into the pram...why trick, cos our Mr all-grown-up hates being in the pram these days!! He wants to either be carried or get down to "walk".
Secondly...he wants to touch EVERYTHING!! When i am choosing cereals or stuff...he wants to hold it or demands to be entertained. If i am choosing vegetables or fruits, he wants to be in the know and wants to touch it too!! URGH! If i refuse to let him have it...he screams in anguish! SIGH doesn't help that supermarket queues seem to be getting longer and longer...and nobody is sympathetic to a mother with a whiney kid in a pram!
And lastly...of cos when i take my wallet to pay up and press the buttons on the ATM machine...Mr want-to-be-involved-in-everything wants a piece of the action too!
And oh doesn't end there...there is another big struggle and cajoling when i have to strap him in his car seat. Eversince he turned one...this great need of independence is rearing its ugly head! days are never "boring".


Winter Chew said...

Welcome to the entertaining world of todderhood. Well, it is better than infant stage in many ways right?

Keep your spirit (and creativity and energy) up!


The Klutz said...

Hmm.. Maybe you should shop with additional help like Eugene or your mother.