Monday, June 22, 2009

1 month and speeding on....

Natty is now 1 month old! Praise God for enabling us all to survive that one month. Instead of being freer i feel like my days are flying by with the amount of things that i have to get done during the day...its always something...something always needs to get done. At the end of the day i am so grateful when the 2 kids are in the beds...and i get to sit down and vegetate in front of the TV for a few minutes before my night "duty" starts.
By God's sustanance and strength i pull through each day...barely.
These days i wonder how i'm going to do it...but i am inspired by my friends who single handedly coped with 2 kids.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Finding myself

With God's grace, Natalie is in her 3rd week....and we will continue to need God's strength as we struggle through marathon feeding sessions during the night as she seem to be going through a growth spurt.
The lack of sleep has made me a very introspective and emotionally violatile mummy! But i think i have my emotions under control and i have more perspective about things this time round.
However i must admit that i have been strugglin in finding myself in this new role as a mother of 2...trying to find a balance between being a mum to Zac and being a mum to Natalie. At times it is very challenging...actually most of the time it is challenging not so much the physical and logistical aspect but the emotional one. When i see Zac urging me to spend some time with him to do things and i can't as i have to attend or feed Nat...i feel guilty...feel bad that i can't give him that attention that he wants. The same feelings surfaces with Natty too, although i think the repercussions on her is not as visible as Zac's reaction.
But i suppose i will continue feeling this way till i can convince myself that children are a lot more resilient than we think they are, and that there are alot of other loving care givers who are able to fill that gap for Zac at the moment.
Thinking about this has led me to realise how amazing God's love is for us...He gives us his undivided attention each day...and His is a PERFECT love to each and every one...amazing love.
One more week and i'm out of more hectic days ahead!