Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Give the kid a break

I think i expect too much from Zac...lately i've been complaining alot...about how his day time naps are so erratic, about how he has been waking up during the night, about how he wakes up far too early, about how he fusses to be let down onto the floor when we are out, about etc etc.
But today...God reminded me that...he is only a 10.5 month old baby, and i should give him a break! Sorry Zac...mummy has been too overwhelmed by the little things and failed to look at the bigger picture...you!
And i thank God again...for giving me you!
Can't believe that he will be turning one soon...but in the little things he does i am starting to see my little boy maturing each day...may my wisdom as a mother mature each day too....

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