Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Today was one of those days...

....where i feel like running away to a secluded island and screaming my lungs out!!
Zac has been very very temperamental today...very very clingy and just a absolute challenge! He yells and screams every time i leave him and step into the kitchen, actually he really hates it when i have to cook dinners or lunches...he will stand at the gate (a child-proof gate leading to the kitchen) and cry his eyes out. I have tried explaining to him why i have to be in there....doesn't work. I have tried indulging him by playing with him for awhile hoping that he will be satisfied and leave me to cook his meals...it doesn't work. I have tried bringing out my pots and pans to encourage him to imitate me hoping that he will be distracted by that...it works but only for 2 minutes! I have tried ignoring him....but i feel my blood boil with each screaming episode.
Today was extra bad, was already kind of behind in getting dinner started, and i know that i have to get it ready for Zac or he will be really impatient with hunger. SIGH
Days like this that i don't even dare to entertain the idea of having a second one and i really wonder how mothers-of-more-than-one-kid manage???
Days like these really make me feel so helpless...Lord give me the strength and peace of mind.


Winter Chew said...

Is he not feeling well? Or not enough sleep?

Keep your spirt up!

Ling said...

It's time for our tete-a-tete session! We all deserve a treat! Let me know when you are free...