A bit sooner than expected but i guess God feels that its time for Zac to share his mummy and daddy with someone else!
We are both excited and eager to welcome no. 2 into our family but i am still kind of overwhelmed by the prospect of keeping my sanity with 2 kids!! Zac has just turned 18 months so he is at his prime in terms of misbehaving, testing limits, being cheeky and bouncing off the walls with extreme energy at times...so that probably contributes to my apprehensiveness of mothering TWO! But i know with each challenge God's grace is doubled...
Zac, i think, has no idea what's ahead...but when i ask him where the baby is...he now knows that its in mummy's tummy, but quite soon after that he will also point to his tummy, so hmmm...not too sure if he knows what is going on at all.
Exciting times ahead...
Hey Amelia! That's great news!! Congrats gal :) And take care too ya? God bless!
hey!! congrats!! i was wondering where u've been with the blogs...hehehee...:)) so happy for you..can't wait to see baby #2 whom i'm sure will be as adorable as zac...
Haha...thought nobody reads the blog anymore since it has become so so stagnant! Thanks girls! And Luvena...when i have difficult days with Zac please remind me that he is adorable!
Congrats Amelia... take good care ya?
congratulations and celebration! Zacs gonna be a big kor kor! I'm sure he's excited too :) I can't wait to see you with a big tummy since i didn't really get a chance when zac was in there haha. Till den, take loads of care.
Thanks Althea! And thanks Lydia...although when the belly sticks out it is not a very beautiful sight!
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