Tuesday, March 11, 2008

But i really want to!

Zachary is starting to show his desire to do things on his own and to have his way over certain things....very challenging...i feel the pressure to be consistant in how i discipline him and how i react when he acts up.
Just yesterday we had a little episode in the bedroom...there is a long wire cord kind of dangling near his cot...it leads to a plug head so we have no choice but to let it dangle there and try to move the curtains in the vain attempt to hide it from him. Eversince Zac could pull himself up he has been eyeing that wire cord for some time...and occassionally (when we are not looking) pull at it with glee! Yesterday we caught him doing it and told him firmly that "he cannot touch it as it is dangerous and its not for little children to play with". Before we could even say "cannot..." he was already pulling it with wild abandonment! Sigh! We told him firmly again that he is not to touch it and it makes us very upset when he does that...he looked at us for awhile and started pulling at it again. In a final attempt...i just said "NO! Stop pulling at the wire cord!" He looked at me and started crying. I stood there and watched him like a hawk...every time i see his hand moving towards the cord...i said firmly "NO!"...he looks at me, cries and stares longingly at the cord. Until...he finally gave up...but that was not for another few minutes and Eugene had to physically carry him away.
It was actually quite funny watching him...stare longingly at the wire cord and crying...it was as if he really really wanted to tug at it but he knows that he is forbidden from doing that.
So...what i learnt is....sometimes "NO!" seems to work better than long explanations...maybe not at this age...and he would only listen after he calms down and is physically moved from the area of temptation.
This incident and many other little incidents have made me think alot about disciplinary issues...and Eugene and i have decided that we need to talk about this further so as to be consistent when we react to Zac....and i thought the first few months were hard!

1 comment:

Winter Chew said...

Hey... Maybe you should refer to SuperNanny. They mention sth about discipline. I borrowed from the NLB.