Thursday, December 11, 2008

Drill master...

We now have a drill sergeant at home....he's head does not even reach pass our waist but his commands and orders are quick and sharp. At times you have no choice but to succumb to his wishes. Yes am talking about my son. Ever since he managed to master a few important words, he has been making his requests known...loud and clear and what he can't find English words for he makes it up with gibberish (which we are expected to understand too cos he gets irritated when we don't!)
Each has been....marmee/dadeee pick up, sit, come, up, call (for when he wants to play with the phone), take out, Zac Zac eat, Zac Zac see, outside etc etc...
Its hard to ignore certain commands as we don't want to be too permissive but its a tough call cos we are trying to encourage him to use his words to ask for what he wants instead of throwing a tantrum or crying!

1 comment:

filbert&fluff said...

Same here...I notice I'm saying a lot of "Stop whining!" and "That's not how you ask Mommy" lately!