Thought i better recount what we have been up to...before i forget...
Church Camp...
It was a lot better than i terms of how Zachary adjusted to his new surrounding and sleeping in a strange place. Although i was spiritually refreshed and challenged...i still felt physically tired...eventhough we were on holiday, still had to get up at 6.30 to feed him! And after lugging everything there we had to lug everything back too! The logistics of it all...
But Zach got more than his fair share of kisses and hugs from the aunties in church, he was pretty good with being passed around, until one night he decided that he needed more masculine attention...he cried and cried till he was safely back in his daddy's arms!
First Christmas for Zach...he was fascinated by the presents he got...not so much what was inside but more of the wrappings, ribbons and tags that came with it. Should have just gotten him a whole roll of ribbons to play with! When i look at him and reminise of my pregnant heart fills with much joy and peace...i can only imagine how heart wrenching God must have felt when He had to give Jesus up to die on the cross for us. As a parent i am quite sure that i would never even consider that option!
The year that is leaving us...2007
So MUCH has happened to the Ho family this year...the move back...welcoming Zachary...settling down in Singapore...being a mother and coping with that...buying a flat. I feel exhausted just thinking of it...but i feel great thankfulness for the many times He stayed close to me when i was feeling alone, overwhelmed or underwhelmed. Thank You Lord...
I must say that i look towards 2008 with much excitement...
Updates on Zachary...
Realise that he will be turning 8 months in about a weeks time....
- He is starting to move his legs when in the crawling position...but he still finds it more efficient to use his head-crawl movement to get to places.
- He can sit up unassisted for long periods of time now.
- He is able to recognise and "ask" for daddy and mummy now. He recognises familiar faces and is increasingly weary of strangers.
- We still struggle with solids at times...lunch times are the worst!! Breakfast and dinner are fine...will labour on!!
- Responds with singular sounds when talked to.
- Can get out of his rocker!! Not impressed...he actually fell out of his rocker! So now we are getting a play pen for times when i have to leave him alone.
- Sits up in his car seat...wanting to look i think will have to use the other bigger car seat soon...
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Got it!

After queueing at the Singapore Immigration building for the third time...we finally collected Zachary's passport. Cutting it close as we will be crossing the borders this Sunday!! Zachary was not too he was woken up from his morning slumber...the officers have to see his face to verify that he is the one in the passport picture!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
7 months
Sometimes i feel like i move 1 step forward....and the next moment i seem to be sliding 2 steps back...
However, i do thank God for bringing Zachary and us a whole month forward! Indeed it is reassuring to know that His grace is new every morning...i definitely need it every morning!
New tricks he has acquired...some i am pleased with...some i rather he not know!
- Blowing raspberries ever so often...i am not too impressed with that skill during meal times! It seems like the more i tell him off...the harder he blows...sigh
- Able to get on all fours...can move backwards but can't move forwards, just rocks his body back and if dying to get somewhere but something is holding him back. I have demonstrated the crawling action....still in working progress.
- Meal to eat a greater variety of foods...but can be very trying to feed him when he is not in the mood to cooperate! Went to weigh him today...didn't put on much weight, although the doc did say that there is nothing to worry as he seems to be healthy and alert. Need to bfeed him more often though. Why Zachary can't you learn from your daddy...more food is good!
- Responds candidly when we talk to him....deliberately...and not randomly nor does he babble anymore.
- Reaches for things out of his reach.
- Grabs everything in sight...not impressed with this skill when i'm holding him and eating at the same time.
- Loves banging on the piano.
- Able to bear his own weight when held upright...although he rather jump than stand still.
Another month has past....and i'm still learning to be a is a road frequently travelled by many women out there...but not often noticed or encouraged. I salute all mothers...especially new mothers who plough on each day!!
However, i do thank God for bringing Zachary and us a whole month forward! Indeed it is reassuring to know that His grace is new every morning...i definitely need it every morning!
New tricks he has acquired...some i am pleased with...some i rather he not know!
- Blowing raspberries ever so often...i am not too impressed with that skill during meal times! It seems like the more i tell him off...the harder he blows...sigh
- Able to get on all fours...can move backwards but can't move forwards, just rocks his body back and if dying to get somewhere but something is holding him back. I have demonstrated the crawling action....still in working progress.
- Meal to eat a greater variety of foods...but can be very trying to feed him when he is not in the mood to cooperate! Went to weigh him today...didn't put on much weight, although the doc did say that there is nothing to worry as he seems to be healthy and alert. Need to bfeed him more often though. Why Zachary can't you learn from your daddy...more food is good!
- Responds candidly when we talk to him....deliberately...and not randomly nor does he babble anymore.
- Reaches for things out of his reach.
- Grabs everything in sight...not impressed with this skill when i'm holding him and eating at the same time.
- Loves banging on the piano.
- Able to bear his own weight when held upright...although he rather jump than stand still.
Another month has past....and i'm still learning to be a is a road frequently travelled by many women out there...but not often noticed or encouraged. I salute all mothers...especially new mothers who plough on each day!!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
How he has grown
Was looking through all the photos we have taken of Zachary...and it amazes me to realise how much he has grown...
From this (@1 month)

To this (@ 6 months)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Just the 2 of us
Eugene has been away for reservist (for those who don't know what that refresher training that the Singapore government issues for those below 40 years), he will be away the whole of this week. So Zach and i have moved back to my mum's place to ease the load of not having Eugene around to help out. My dad is also away on a business trip this it was all in good we could accompany my mum too. That leaves Zach to be the man of the house!
So far so good...he has been a very patient and understanding boy, sleeping well at night (always cross my fingers when i proclaim that...hoping not to jinx it by saying it!)...and generally being very understanding. But we definitely miss the 3rd member of our little family...its like having one arm less. However i did have a moment of "feeling totally incompetent" yesterday...when Zach refused to take his afternoon nap...leaving me feeling totally frustrated with him and myself.
I just realised that Zach will be turning 7 months next week...another month has passed us by...will blog more about that later...
So far so good...he has been a very patient and understanding boy, sleeping well at night (always cross my fingers when i proclaim that...hoping not to jinx it by saying it!)...and generally being very understanding. But we definitely miss the 3rd member of our little family...its like having one arm less. However i did have a moment of "feeling totally incompetent" yesterday...when Zach refused to take his afternoon nap...leaving me feeling totally frustrated with him and myself.
I just realised that Zach will be turning 7 months next week...another month has passed us by...will blog more about that later...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Zachary will be crossing the borders of Singapore for the first time in a few weeks time...we will be attending a church camp in Johore (Malaysia) for a few days in December. In order for him to successfully do that...we needed to get a passport for our dear boy. The application processing part was easy...capturing a decent head shot of him was not!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Laughing out loud!
Zachary has started laughing out loud...full bodied, body shaking laughs. It is a joy to see and hear him do that. But you must be pretty funny to make him laugh like that! Will try to figure if i can post videos on this blog....
What were u thinking of Zachary?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
6 months and counting
He turned 6 whole months last week...and i guess its good for me to take stock after each month...
- Zach is alot more cooperative now that he is slightly older...but he still has his cranky days and his day naps are getting shorter and shorter! Not good!
- He is ever willing to smile and chuckle at anyone...trying to entice them to play with him or carry him. But he does reserve his sweetest smile for moi!
- Still plodging along with his solids. He is still not too keen on sweet potato although i have pureed it and am still trying hard to find organic fruits and vegetables for him. That means sacrificing the freedom to go on shopping sprees as organic stuff is NOT cheap! Probably going to give up this quest for all things organic soon...quite impossible to find a variety of fruits here. Seem to be losing interest in his milk though. Have been pumping after every feed, trying to keep the milk supply up! Such a battle...
- He is displaying a insatiable amount of energy nowadays...need to sign him up for gymboree or go for swimming lessons soon. Need to use all that energy up or i'll go crazy.
- The only thing he will sit still for is story time. Other than that...even the TV doesn't quite keep him still. I dread to think of the time when he can crawl, walk and jump!
- He is able to sit on his own for some time now...without toppling over.
- He is drooling ALOT!!
- He has lost interest in his the feet.
- He is using his vocal cords alot more...the sounds he make sound like complaints.
- He is curious and distracted by everything around him. That makes breast feeding quite impossible at times!!
Thank God for the past 6 still learning and perserving through the hard times.
- Zach is alot more cooperative now that he is slightly older...but he still has his cranky days and his day naps are getting shorter and shorter! Not good!
- He is ever willing to smile and chuckle at anyone...trying to entice them to play with him or carry him. But he does reserve his sweetest smile for moi!
- Still plodging along with his solids. He is still not too keen on sweet potato although i have pureed it and am still trying hard to find organic fruits and vegetables for him. That means sacrificing the freedom to go on shopping sprees as organic stuff is NOT cheap! Probably going to give up this quest for all things organic soon...quite impossible to find a variety of fruits here. Seem to be losing interest in his milk though. Have been pumping after every feed, trying to keep the milk supply up! Such a battle...
- He is displaying a insatiable amount of energy nowadays...need to sign him up for gymboree or go for swimming lessons soon. Need to use all that energy up or i'll go crazy.
- The only thing he will sit still for is story time. Other than that...even the TV doesn't quite keep him still. I dread to think of the time when he can crawl, walk and jump!
- He is able to sit on his own for some time now...without toppling over.
- He is drooling ALOT!!
- He has lost interest in his the feet.
- He is using his vocal cords alot more...the sounds he make sound like complaints.
- He is curious and distracted by everything around him. That makes breast feeding quite impossible at times!!
Thank God for the past 6 still learning and perserving through the hard times.
Monday, November 5, 2007
A mind-boggling habit!
Recently...Zach has taken to smacking his own head! While breastfeeding him, he seem to enjoy using his palm to smack his forehead! We suspect that he likes the sound it makes...cos he is now into smacking anything and everything in sight...our shoulders when we carry him, our thighs when we sit him on our laps, our faces when we carry him, his car seat when he is on it, his high chair when he is on it and the table when we its in sight. I wonder what goes on in his little mind!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Mummy...i don't like sweet potato
Just when i thought this whole experience of trying new foods on Zach is going so well...he decided that he doesn't like the taste of sweet potato and throws it all up! After all that effort of boiling the sweet potato..mashing it with a fork...pressing it through a sieve, and digging it out of the ice trays after it has been frozen to be stored in plastic containers!
I am determined to try again...maybe when he is in a better mood. I am very reluctant to let the effort go to waste!!!
I am determined to try again...maybe when he is in a better mood. I am very reluctant to let the effort go to waste!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
I know my boy is growing up when...

- He gulps down his rice cereal, pear and carrots. Although he gulps down the pear more willingly than the other 2!
- He realises that he can bring his hands together to imitate us when we clap our hands!
- He is able to sit by himself without toppling over...although the desire to bring his hands to his mouth is so great sometimes that he bends right down to bring his mouth to his hands.
- He uses his hands to heave his upper body up so that he is able to peep at us over his cot rails. Dangerous skill!
- Instead of crying..he yulps to get our attention.
- His poop is no longer watery...but sticky and thick (kay..think that was an over share!)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I WAS feeling competent
Last night, i felt like a very competent mother. As Eugene was busy with work, i had to take care of Zach till he fell asleep last night. He took my expressed milk from the bottle without any hitches...drank it without fussing, allowed me to change his nappy without fidgeting...allowed me to put him to sleep without much hassles and even gave me a huge grin before he fell asleep. I felt wonderfully accomplished and proud of myself as a mum.
BUT this morning...everything went wrong...he refused to drink his milk, was not interested in his rice cereal, and fussed and fussed before he succumbed to his tiredness. I felt out of sorts...
BUT this morning...everything went wrong...he refused to drink his milk, was not interested in his rice cereal, and fussed and fussed before he succumbed to his tiredness. I felt out of sorts...
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Rice cereal...yum yum
We finally did it...fed Zach his first taste of food...other than breastmilk. It was after much he is not quite 6 months yet, but he seemed impatient to try something other than milk. I would say that it went well! He had a few apprehensive spoonfuls of the stuff (with quite a bit dribbling out) and seem willing to allow me to feed him somemore.
And now i guess...we start the world of solid food for him! Next on the menu...puree pear and peas! Yum yum...but sigh...that means more work for me!
With this new milestone, i realised that my little boy is growing up very quickly. Sometimes i am impatient for him to grow up quicker and to be more independent but there are times when i wish that it would all slow down. Although at the moment...i'm leaning towards wanting him to grow up quicker! But i thank God for supporting me through these few trying months...the ups and the downs...and i know there will be many more roller coasters to ride out. With God's grace...
My favourite moment with Zach....when i sneak up on him while he is in the cot,when he catches my face...the beaming smile that heart melts!
And now i guess...we start the world of solid food for him! Next on the menu...puree pear and peas! Yum yum...but sigh...that means more work for me!
With this new milestone, i realised that my little boy is growing up very quickly. Sometimes i am impatient for him to grow up quicker and to be more independent but there are times when i wish that it would all slow down. Although at the moment...i'm leaning towards wanting him to grow up quicker! But i thank God for supporting me through these few trying months...the ups and the downs...and i know there will be many more roller coasters to ride out. With God's grace...
My favourite moment with Zach....when i sneak up on him while he is in the cot,when he catches my face...the beaming smile that heart melts!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Sometimes its hard...i guess it boils down to a cumulation of factors...i'm tired, he is not feeding well, he is not napping well (although thank God that he seem to be sleeping well in the night), i feel abit aimless at times and generally i think my hormones are causing havoc. But in times like these, i remind myself of what God has blessed me with....and i feel a bit better. And of cos...chocolate always helps too.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
He is 5 months now...
My boy is growing up...he is 5 months today...thank God for helping us manage! As i pause and take stock of the months that have passed...i made these observations...
Things that have changed...
- He is able to flip and remain on his tummy without "complaining" too much.
- He is able now to sleep through the night. Fingers crossed that he will continue to do that.
- He can now put himself to sleep...after much tossing, turning, cooing, leg kicking, thumb sucking and flipping. But he still has his moments where he wants a cuddle before sleeping.
- He is more willing to sit on his rocker or pram while Eugene and i have meals. Although his patience does wear off after awhile. Working progress
- He doesn't wake up crying all the time...sometimes he is able to just coo and play on his own in his cot.
- He is able to yak alot! Making all sorts of sounds with his mouth.
- He loves his bath times now...kicking furiously. He used to HATE them and we use to HATE bathing him too!
- He is now able to go through the whole day in one body suit...he used to soil himself badly each morning.
- He is able to burp without spewing milk each time now.
- He is able to sit on his own...only about a few minutes before he topples over.
- He able to pacify himself with his thumb.
- He is able to feed more efficiently...thank God for that!!
- He is able to respond with coos and big smiles.
- He is able to laugh heartily
- He is more willing to be alone in his car seat while i drive....but depends on his moods at times.
Some things that have not changed...
- He still fusses when we have to moisturise him after his bath.
- He still arches his back when he doesn't like something.
- He is still not able to keep still for long!
- We still love him lots...maybe even more now....
My dear boy....
Things that have changed...
- He is able to flip and remain on his tummy without "complaining" too much.
- He is able now to sleep through the night. Fingers crossed that he will continue to do that.
- He can now put himself to sleep...after much tossing, turning, cooing, leg kicking, thumb sucking and flipping. But he still has his moments where he wants a cuddle before sleeping.
- He is more willing to sit on his rocker or pram while Eugene and i have meals. Although his patience does wear off after awhile. Working progress
- He doesn't wake up crying all the time...sometimes he is able to just coo and play on his own in his cot.
- He is able to yak alot! Making all sorts of sounds with his mouth.
- He loves his bath times now...kicking furiously. He used to HATE them and we use to HATE bathing him too!
- He is now able to go through the whole day in one body suit...he used to soil himself badly each morning.
- He is able to burp without spewing milk each time now.
- He is able to sit on his own...only about a few minutes before he topples over.
- He able to pacify himself with his thumb.
- He is able to feed more efficiently...thank God for that!!
- He is able to respond with coos and big smiles.
- He is able to laugh heartily
- He is more willing to be alone in his car seat while i drive....but depends on his moods at times.
Some things that have not changed...
- He still fusses when we have to moisturise him after his bath.
- He still arches his back when he doesn't like something.
- He is still not able to keep still for long!
- We still love him lots...maybe even more now....
My dear boy....
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
A good shopping spree
Went for a quick shopping spree and am excited over what i bought...rice cereal (hoping to start Zachary on it...but am a bit unsure as he is only 5 months, for mothers who are reading this...what do you think? Think he is starting to get a bit bored with breastmilk.), new socks for Zach..those that don't come down and new plastic bibs! i have the past a good shopping spree would mean cheap tops and shoes for myself. Sigh...i need to get a Zachary-detox once in awhile!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
I can...
I can grunt, pull my ears and hair, struggle, poo and drink milk at the same time. Who am i? Zachary!
Hmm...what should i buy?

We were supermarket shopping the other day and i was pushing his pram as well...when Zachary decided to take over from me! He really enjoyed pushing his own his legs were kicking excitedly and he kept cooing...can't wait till he can REALLY push his own pram...he is getting so heavy to carry!
I like to chew my lower lip
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
We are Hougangers
We did it...after months of house hunting...we bought ourselves a flat! When we stepped into this particular unit...both of us had a good feeling about it and we were hooked. After haggling over the price...and a few dramas...we finally put in a deposit...and the wheels are set in motion for us to move in hopefully by next year. Zachary seems to like it too...well at least he didn't cry or fuss when we went to view the unit!
Hasn't really sunk in that we are home owners to drill holes wherever i want and to be able to paint walls in any colour..those who have rented will know what i mean! But i guess when we see a big hole in our will sink in! Will post some pictures of the place when i get some.
Hasn't really sunk in that we are home owners to drill holes wherever i want and to be able to paint walls in any colour..those who have rented will know what i mean! But i guess when we see a big hole in our will sink in! Will post some pictures of the place when i get some.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Zach has started trying out grunting as a new form of communication. It only started yesterday...and he kept grunting at every opportunity he had! Strange kid...he sounds like he has constipation!
Have been reading up a bit on weaning...and introduction of solids. I can't wait for the day Zach munches on his rice cereal...hopefully...
Shucks...he is crying again...have to cut this post short!
Have been reading up a bit on weaning...and introduction of solids. I can't wait for the day Zach munches on his rice cereal...hopefully...
Shucks...he is crying again...have to cut this post short!
Monday, September 24, 2007
He found his thumb
The bumbo

We found out about this wonderful invention from a friend and told ourselves that we have to try it out on Zach when he gets strong enough to hold his neck. We got this bumbo on ebay...and here is the result of it! Zach took to it like a duck to water but if he is not entertained while on the bumbo, he would start fussing and throwing himself backwards, trying to get himself out of the bumbo. If you are wondering what he is looking so intently at...its the TV...he has an absolute fascination with the TV...sigh BAD HABIT!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The journey so far...
In a reflective mood today...and feeling somewhat confused? frustrated? lost? over my adjustment to motherhood. Hard to explain what i mean...but mothering really needs to grow on you, realised that it doesn't come naturally, and that mother-son bond does grow deeper with time. Don't expect a relationship to just happen it has to be cultivated.
I really enjoy his presence, every time he is not with me, i feel my mind wandering back to what he is doing. But there are days when i feel aimless and lost and not quite sure what a stay-at-home-mum means or needs to be doing. At times, i do feel restless, wanting to do things on my own. But those thoughts don't linger long, especially when Zachary's face lights up when he sees mine.
I really enjoy his presence, every time he is not with me, i feel my mind wandering back to what he is doing. But there are days when i feel aimless and lost and not quite sure what a stay-at-home-mum means or needs to be doing. At times, i do feel restless, wanting to do things on my own. But those thoughts don't linger long, especially when Zachary's face lights up when he sees mine.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Calling a place home...
Yesterday we went to have a look at some potential flats around the Serangoon Central area (near Eugene's parents place), they were pretty good...but prices are way beyond our budget! This house hunting is definitely taking a very long time and HDB is no help either...sigh.
Oh when...oh when can we finally call a place home? Eugene and i have been nomads for the longest time...since we were married...feel like its about time we truely settled down and have a place of our own. I have never been able to drill a hole in the wall to hang up a picture! (Rented apartments in Sydney do not allow tenants to drill holes in walls) The boxes we shipped from Sydney are still left unopened...can't wait to open them and discover what's in them!
Oh when...oh when can we finally call a place home? Eugene and i have been nomads for the longest time...since we were married...feel like its about time we truely settled down and have a place of our own. I have never been able to drill a hole in the wall to hang up a picture! (Rented apartments in Sydney do not allow tenants to drill holes in walls) The boxes we shipped from Sydney are still left unopened...can't wait to open them and discover what's in them!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
For now...
Sigh...tried to upload a photo but something wrong with the website! Snatching a few minutes while Zach sleeps. I realised that Zach turned 4 months yesterday...realising that brought back memories of the day we went into labour. Time a funny sort of way.
Am still adjusting to being a stay-at-home-mum (SAHM), people often ask me what i do at home the whole day? When i think of how to answer solitary answer is able to sufficiently describe my day with Zach...some days are hard and long...but up till now i don't regret my decision to stay home and enjoy my son. I guess its a priviledge that i bestowed upon myself for now...
Am still adjusting to being a stay-at-home-mum (SAHM), people often ask me what i do at home the whole day? When i think of how to answer solitary answer is able to sufficiently describe my day with Zach...some days are hard and long...but up till now i don't regret my decision to stay home and enjoy my son. I guess its a priviledge that i bestowed upon myself for now...
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Being dunked!
Yesterday while giving Zachary a bathe, he accidentally slipped out of our grip and dunked his head into the water. He was so shocked by the sudden gush of water into his mouth, he took some time to yell out in fright. I had never seen him that frightened since he first came out of me! We took some time to soothe him and felt so guilty for giving him such a fright. His vulnerability struck me and i never want to subject him to that again...poor boy. Inorder to do damage control...we put him back in his bathe and sang to him. He was very unhappy after that. I hope we have not spoilt his bath times for him, he really likes to be in the bath tub, kicking to his heart's content!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The world looks different from here!

Its amazing how the months are flying by...a few more days and he would be a 4 month old. Indeed God has been very gracious to bring us through these few months.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Nursing strike
Zachary has taken it upon himself to make breastfeeding EXTRA trying for the both of us! These few days have been very trying...when it comes to breastfeeding Zachary. He sucks eagerly for about 10 minutes then pulls away from the breast, cries and refuses to feed again. No matter how much i coax him to feed again...he refuses, even when i try using the bottle. WHY?? Just when i thought that he is getting gradually easier to handle, this comes along...sigh. Going to see the pediatrician tommorrow for some help...sigh. Maybe i should go on a mothering strike!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
3 months and counting
I have actually meant to jot down some thoughts of Zachary turning 3 months...but haven't had the energy or spare now Zachary is 3 and a half months...i thought i better get those thoughts down before i have new thoughts to share.
I still remember struggling with him during the first month and everybody told me that don't worry things will get a lot better in a few months time...more specifically in 3 months. So i was so looking forward to that magical 3 months where Zachary will suddenly turn into a big boy and everything will click! It has kind of happened but not in a sudden kind of way, more like very gradually...there are still moments with him when he forgets that he is actually a 3 month old and behaves like a 1 month old!! But the biggest milestone is probably that he is able to sleep for alot longer during the night! Thank God for that...
But one thing is for sure...i am growing deeper in love with him...each day...
I still remember struggling with him during the first month and everybody told me that don't worry things will get a lot better in a few months time...more specifically in 3 months. So i was so looking forward to that magical 3 months where Zachary will suddenly turn into a big boy and everything will click! It has kind of happened but not in a sudden kind of way, more like very gradually...there are still moments with him when he forgets that he is actually a 3 month old and behaves like a 1 month old!! But the biggest milestone is probably that he is able to sleep for alot longer during the night! Thank God for that...
But one thing is for sure...i am growing deeper in love with him...each day...
Me and my new shoes...
Thursday, August 9, 2007
I found my fingers!
Sleep only comes to those who are patient...
Indeed...Zachary is really testing my patience nowadays, especially when it comes to nap time during the day. He is so fitful and fights his sleepy droopy eyelids so hard that i feel sorry for him sometimes. I could be there patting him a good 20 minutes, until he closes his eyes...and just as i sneak away...he lets out a cry again! And there i am...back to patting him to sleep yet again! SIGH. least he is a lot kinder to us at night...and sleeps far better.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
A family potrait
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sleep comes to those who wait...
Have been so frustrated with Zach lately!! It is getting to be such a struggle to put him to sleep...especially during the day. I would usually start patting him to sleep, then just as i think he is asleep i lay him down in his cot. After about 10 minutes...his eyes start popping open again...and he starts fidgeting wildly...threatening to cry. Then i have to start the whole ritual again!!! Which leaves me absolutely no time to do anything during the day...sigh...
More changes
From tomorrow onwards...Zachary won't be able to see daddy as often during the day anymore. Eugene has found a new job and he has served his 1 month notice at HP AND he is starting work tomorrow! Zachary and i are really going to miss having him around the house and the snatches of moments where he gets to hold Zachary and relieve me for a bit. I guess both of us will just have to adjust to not having him around. Sigh!
Updates on Zach...
- He is starting to find his fingers and fist very appetizing...always stuffing them into his mouth.
- He is starting to drool alot!! Yuck!
- He is slowly realising that his cot might not be too bad a place to sleep in!
Updates on Zach...
- He is starting to find his fingers and fist very appetizing...always stuffing them into his mouth.
- He is starting to drool alot!! Yuck!
- He is slowly realising that his cot might not be too bad a place to sleep in!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
I can wear what daddy used to wear...
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Mummy is still trying to figure me out
Yup...if Zachary could talk that would probably be what he would say at the moment. Being a mother is really a FULL time job...and it takes alot out you!Still trying to search and acquire knowledge and skills as quick as possible and to replenish what Zach takes out of me everyday! I never thought that it would be this challenging.
Well, Zach is now 2 months and a bit, and am starting to understand him abit better, but just when i thought i have it all figured out and have established some sort of routine for him, his habits and schedule changes yet again...somehow i never feel on top of things for long! URGH. But at the end of the day, those heart tugging smiles and chuckles are really worth it and i can now understand what everybody means by a mother's love.
We have been bringing Zachary out a lot more often now that he is older. He would either fall asleep in his pram or start fussing to be carried. But when he is awake, he is very curious about everything around him and seem to soak up the sights and sounds with much eagerness. I have attempted to go shopping with him (usually with my mum and sis in tow) and i have never been so focussed trying to shop frantically before he wakes up! However half the time i am trying frantically to look for a parent's room or some quiet spot to feed him before he cries his lungs out! I have been stuck in quite a few parent's rooms by now...and the following places have very comfortable ones...Great World City (the best!), Paragon (not bad but males are not allowed into the nursing rooms although it is a single private room with a door), Taka (but there is only 1 room in the entire building!), Vivocity (not too bad but very bare).
Well, Zach is now 2 months and a bit, and am starting to understand him abit better, but just when i thought i have it all figured out and have established some sort of routine for him, his habits and schedule changes yet again...somehow i never feel on top of things for long! URGH. But at the end of the day, those heart tugging smiles and chuckles are really worth it and i can now understand what everybody means by a mother's love.
We have been bringing Zachary out a lot more often now that he is older. He would either fall asleep in his pram or start fussing to be carried. But when he is awake, he is very curious about everything around him and seem to soak up the sights and sounds with much eagerness. I have attempted to go shopping with him (usually with my mum and sis in tow) and i have never been so focussed trying to shop frantically before he wakes up! However half the time i am trying frantically to look for a parent's room or some quiet spot to feed him before he cries his lungs out! I have been stuck in quite a few parent's rooms by now...and the following places have very comfortable ones...Great World City (the best!), Paragon (not bad but males are not allowed into the nursing rooms although it is a single private room with a door), Taka (but there is only 1 room in the entire building!), Vivocity (not too bad but very bare).
Friday, June 29, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Zachary has been smiling quite a bit lately, usually after his feed with his eyes half closed. And these smiles happen so suddenly that we have yet to capture it on the camera. Whenever i get to share his smile with him after a particularly long and tiring feeding session in the middle of the night, it warms my heart...and all the crying we have to put up with seems worthwhile! But over the weekend...we heard him chuckle...sounding almost like a laugh...with body shaking and everything! Amazing...wonder what he was thinking of!Do you know that...(i read in a book) newborns...are able to respond to you when you talk to them, through their body language, by
sticking out their tongue etc. And they can recognise mummy and daddy after a week they are born!
Friday, June 1, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Projectile poop
I didn't realise that changing nappies can be so hazardous! Lately, Zach has been pooping while we change his nappy...and on one late sleepless night while we were changing him, he farted and a whole stream of poop flew across the room and splattered on the floor...GROSS!! Fortunately, none of us had our face near his bottom...I must say...he is really a mega farter! His farts are so powerful!Now whenever i have to change his nappy, i make sure my mouth and face is no where near his "exit point"! The things we do for love...
Where oh where did my sleep go?
The most terrifying thing to hear in the middle of the night is...Zachary's "cough-cough cry"! After that few warning cries, if we don't attend to him or pick him up...he would scream his head off. Eugene would go soothe him while i prepare to breastfeed him yet again. At 3am, that's the last thing i want to do...but when he's got to eat, he has got to eat! Breastfeeding can be the most lonely thing to do sometimes...its just me and him...but most of the time, he's half asleep and busy suckling its just me. Yesterday, while i was feeding him...i fell asleep, fortunately i didn't drop him!Last night was BAD...after i fed him, he would sleep for about an hour or so and cry to be picked up and attended to...and even when we did attend to him he took some time to quieten down. After the 5am feed, he refused to be soothed and cried till he fell asleep for awhile. URGH! When is it going to get a bit better? Fortunately he tends to sleep alot better during the day...and seems calmer.Eugene and i were both reminising the days when we could just go out when we felt like...carefree...just fulfilling our own needs and desires, now...we have to put this little boy's needs ahead of ours...such is the sacrificial love of a parent!Lord give me strength!
Seems like months...
It does seem like months have lapsed...but as most of you know by now...Zachary is out!He came 2 weeks early on the 10th May, weighing 2.92kg. He really did kind of caught us off guard...i even went shopping with my sister the day before and we were joking about what she should do if i went into labour while i was out with her! So here is an account of what i could remember of that day...I experienced mild contractions at around 3.30am on the 10th May...thought nothing much of it...went to the toilet and realised i had some pinkish discharge...contractions started coming more often by was then that i woke Eugene up and he started timing them. It became more and more intense and frequent...and at 7am my water bag burst...that was quite something to experience as it really was a gush of water. Called our doula, Ginny and we decided that its time to go to the hospital. Eugene had to throw some more stuff into our bags (that was how unprepared we were!)Trying to get to the hospital was quite a feat as i was having contractions every few minutes and i basically had to stop and cringe in pain every time it we took about half and hour just to get to the car! The car ride was the worst! All i felt like doing was screaming out in pain! But my FIL was driving so i didn't want to startle him too much! By the time we got to the hospital, all i wanted to do was move my bowels!! REally felt like i had to urgently sit on the toilet bowl and push something out. By 8.30, the midwives informed me that i was already fully dilated and i should started pushing him out. Pushing was torturous! With every push...the pain became more intense...had to grin and bear and grunt...after an hour he came gushing out...It was a surreal moment for me as i held him and he faced me...we looked at each other while everybody around us busied themselves...time literally stood still for me...(mabye it was the lack of oxygen going into my head and the lost of blood!)So this is the little man whom i have been carrying for 9 months...who kicked me every time i laid on my side to sleep...this is Zachary...Lost quite a bit of blood and am still healing from the wounds...still feeling very sore and trying to heal quickly!All i can say about parenthood/motherhood at the is indeed a very humbling learn things about yourself that you never knew you had and had to search still learning...and at the moment it is quite overwhelming!
What i did yesterday
Guess what i did most of yesterday...Breastfeed!! I think i now spend almost 80% of my time breastfeeding him...confined to my breastfeeding chair! The other percentage of my time is spent soothing him when he cries...and i almost have no alone time...except maybe the time spent in the toilet bathing and doing what one usually does in the toilet. I better start making myself more comfortable in my breastfeeding chair...
What i did yesterday
Guess what i did most of yesterday...Breastfeed!! I think i now spend almost 80% of my time breastfeeding him...confined to my breastfeeding chair! The other percentage of my time is spent soothing him when he cries...and i almost have no alone time...except maybe the time spent in the toilet bathing and doing what one usually does in the toilet. I better start making myself more comfortable in my breastfeeding chair...
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
He has been seen!
Just when i complained about not being able to catch a glimpse of baby our following visit..he finally allowed us this "priviledge"! Wasn't a very clear picture, but at least now we know that he has a nose, mouth and 2 eyes! But seriously speaking, it was wonderful to be able to have this image to keep in my mind, while i labour for him to come out. Wanted to scan the picture in, but i think its too blur to make out shan't bother unless i do get an even clearer one on my next visit (which will be my 2nd last one!)
We finally packed our hospital bags...while packing them i felt a sudden calm about this whole impending experience...and bringing baby Ho's coming home clothes made the whole thing so REAL...imagining a tiny body in those clothes was very heart-warming!
Have started to do some things that are supposed to bring on labour...walking alot...walking up stairs...drinking raspberry leaf tea...and praying hard that he comes on time!!
We finally packed our hospital bags...while packing them i felt a sudden calm about this whole impending experience...and bringing baby Ho's coming home clothes made the whole thing so REAL...imagining a tiny body in those clothes was very heart-warming!
Have started to do some things that are supposed to bring on labour...walking alot...walking up stairs...drinking raspberry leaf tea...and praying hard that he comes on time!!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
He doesn't want to be seen...
Went for a check-up during the weekend...and attempted to take a glimpse of baby Ho's face again. But yet again...we failed to as he was very determined to keep us in all we have is a detailed scan of his fist! Well, at least i know that has has 5 fingers on one hand! Sigh...getting very eager to see how he looks like and to get acquainted with him!!
Am 37 weeks now...3 more weeks to go. Everybody has been asking me how i feel...and all i can say is...big and uncomfortable...but i still feel like the impending delivery is such a surreal experience to anticipate. Can't exactly picture myself going through labour yet...although i was encouraged by my doula to picture myself going through the whole process and baby Ho coming out of under there seamlessly...
Well, we have been "coaching" baby Ho on how to cooperate on that fateful day and come out through the way of the least possible resistance...and come out on time too. Hope he took note of our instructions carefully! Ha!
Am 37 weeks now...3 more weeks to go. Everybody has been asking me how i feel...and all i can say is...big and uncomfortable...but i still feel like the impending delivery is such a surreal experience to anticipate. Can't exactly picture myself going through labour yet...although i was encouraged by my doula to picture myself going through the whole process and baby Ho coming out of under there seamlessly...
Well, we have been "coaching" baby Ho on how to cooperate on that fateful day and come out through the way of the least possible resistance...and come out on time too. Hope he took note of our instructions carefully! Ha!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I miss this place...
A place we called home for awhile....
I miss the quietness, the calmness the place exudes, the weather, the breeziness and even the weird insects that come to visit every now and then. The place was always especially cosy during winter...just feeling nostalgic i guess. Blaming it on the pregnancy hormones!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
In transition
Finally...dragged myself to complete the task of setting up a new blog before baby Ho pops out, when time would no longer be mine!
Was considering moving to another blog site but realised that i have gotten so used to blogger that "mastering" another blog format would be too much for my pregnant-forgetful-mind. Well, at least it is up and running! There would be no pictures yet...need to figure out how to download pictures from our new camera (yup...all in preparation to take happy snaps of baby Ho!)
Well...counting down to his arrival..officially 36 weeks about a month more to go! He has been stabbing me in the ribs quite a bit recently...probably cos he is getting increasingly squashed in there now...not much room left. Sometimes, i wonder how he looks like...hopefully he won't be too hard to look at! Ha!
Was considering moving to another blog site but realised that i have gotten so used to blogger that "mastering" another blog format would be too much for my pregnant-forgetful-mind. Well, at least it is up and running! There would be no pictures yet...need to figure out how to download pictures from our new camera (yup...all in preparation to take happy snaps of baby Ho!)
Well...counting down to his arrival..officially 36 weeks about a month more to go! He has been stabbing me in the ribs quite a bit recently...probably cos he is getting increasingly squashed in there now...not much room left. Sometimes, i wonder how he looks like...hopefully he won't be too hard to look at! Ha!
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