Monday, May 14, 2007

Where oh where did my sleep go?

The most terrifying thing to hear in the middle of the night is...Zachary's "cough-cough cry"! After that few warning cries, if we don't attend to him or pick him up...he would scream his head off. Eugene would go soothe him while i prepare to breastfeed him yet again. At 3am, that's the last thing i want to do...but when he's got to eat, he has got to eat! Breastfeeding can be the most lonely thing to do sometimes...its just me and him...but most of the time, he's half asleep and busy suckling its just me. Yesterday, while i was feeding him...i fell asleep, fortunately i didn't drop him!Last night was BAD...after i fed him, he would sleep for about an hour or so and cry to be picked up and attended to...and even when we did attend to him he took some time to quieten down. After the 5am feed, he refused to be soothed and cried till he fell asleep for awhile. URGH! When is it going to get a bit better? Fortunately he tends to sleep alot better during the day...and seems calmer.Eugene and i were both reminising the days when we could just go out when we felt like...carefree...just fulfilling our own needs and desires, now...we have to put this little boy's needs ahead of ours...such is the sacrificial love of a parent!Lord give me strength!


filbert&fluff said...

This too shall pass...this too shall pass...
It will get better, I promise!

tumbletot said...

err... welcome to parenthood? :)

JimLuv said...

and people said when you work in child care you know it all! how wrong they are huh!!! i can't imagine being in your position...some ppl said babies love to sleep..encourage it as much as you can..:) be strong! - luvena -