Tuesday, April 24, 2007

In transition

Finally...dragged myself to complete the task of setting up a new blog before baby Ho pops out, when time would no longer be mine!
Was considering moving to another blog site but realised that i have gotten so used to blogger that "mastering" another blog format would be too much for my pregnant-forgetful-mind. Well, at least it is up and running! There would be no pictures yet...need to figure out how to download pictures from our new camera (yup...all in preparation to take happy snaps of baby Ho!)
Well...counting down to his arrival..officially 36 weeks now...so about a month more to go! He has been stabbing me in the ribs quite a bit recently...probably cos he is getting increasingly squashed in there now...not much room left. Sometimes, i wonder how he looks like...hopefully he won't be too hard to look at! Ha!

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