Monday, November 24, 2008

My very curious son...

My son has a few very curious habits that are oh-so-zachary...thought i should write about them so that i can laugh over them when i have trying days with him!
- He has taken to wearing his still-too-big-sandals-which-are-kept-in-his-cupboard-till-he-grows-into-them around the house. Every morning after breakfast, he will ask me to help him put them on. Even though he trips on them frequently, he will still insist that i put them on for him.
- He has an obsession with EGGS! He has learnt that E-G-G starts with the alphabet E, every time he spots a letter E...he shouts out EGGS in glee! And if he so happens to spy some eggs on the dinner table that's all he will have! Same thing with RICE!
- Zac enjoys walking around the house while holding two objects in his hands...and the two objects have to be the same items, for eg, 2 play spoons, 2 play forks, 2 cars, 2 play EGGS, 2 books etc etc. If he can't find something similar for the other hand, he will find something else that comes in a pair!
- He finds it essential to cross his legs when he is seated in the car-seat. If you un-cross them, he will cross them back.
That's the list for now...quite sure it will grow the more he grows! I wonder what goes on in his little mind....


The Klutz said...

Hmm.. maybe he saw you or some other (female) adults crossing their legs. I seldom see males crossing their legs! Maybe should undo this habit of his!

As for the paits thingy, got a feeling you'll have to carry him in one hand and the new arrival in the other in future!

amelia thinks said...

Think its more like folding his legs like you know how you fold your legs when you sit on the floor! If you uncross it when he is asleep he will still fold it up!

filbert&fluff said...

I don't know what it is about wearing shoes that are too big...Reuben does the same too!