Monday, April 28, 2008

My rashy boy and a very tiring few days

All was going well and smoothly...till a few days back when Zac developed a fever. Characteristic of first-time parents we rushed him to the doctors the very day and came away with some panadol for him. The next day he was still feeling feverish but seem to be very much himself change in apetite and no other symptoms so we left him with my mum's while we met up with our interior designer (yes..we are finally doing the house up..would probably be liveable by the end of June..yay!) But when we picked him up his fever was still pretty high...started getting worried so we brought him to the docs again...this time had to a go the a 24hr clinic in TMC...doc said that its probably a throat infection as his throat seems a bit red...gave us antibiotics and more panadol and told us to monitor his fever we were up every 4 hours stuffing the thermometer into the arm pits of a crying Zac and feeding a sleeping baby panadol!!
The next day, he started developing rashes...sigh! So off to the docs we went again...this time the doc ordered a blood test to be done so as to be conclusive as to what he was suffering from. First time getting blood out of Zac and it was not a pretty experience! Results came back and his platelet count was a bit on the low side, doc was not sure if its due to the virus he was fighting or something more sinister. Doc concluded that its probably a viral rash but he said to come back for another blood test in a few days time if rashes get worse. Well...rashes started we just came back from another blood test (again was not a pretty experience!).
Really thank God that it was nothing...platelet count has gone back to it is concluded that he is having a viral rash...not contagious and not itchy.
I found out alot about myself as a mother from this few very tiring days....i thank God for a supportive husband and Zac has a fantastic daddy....and i realised that i make a very jittery and anxious mother. Need to learn to leave it in His hands and to accept that He is in control of all things. Cos' think there will be a lot more of such episodes in future...
Am praying that we don't have to take any blood out of Zac for some time more...


filbert&fluff said...

There's always the first time. R had exactly the same thing in Sydney, and at that time I thought the rash was chicken pox, and I thought I'd never be able to stop him from scratching. Anyway this viral rash just looks bad, but it's harmless. He'll be ok by his birthday!

Lyndsay said...

Hi Amelia, just read this post and wanted to comment that both my kids went through the same fever/rash experience. The doctors both times were inconclusive as to what it was, and I had to ask Jeff's cousin who finally mentioned that his daughter had this thing called Roseola. It's a form of measles and they usually don't get it again. It often occurs between the ages of 6 months to 2 years. The fevers last a couple days and once the fever breaks, a rash appears. Ella had higher fevers than Ethan did, but her rash was milder. In both cases, the kids acted normal aside from the high temps. I'm guessing that this is what Zachery has. Hope he's feeling better and hope this helps ease your anxiety.

amelia thinks said...

Thanks both for the reassurance! I guess if the doctors that we went to weren't so anxious looking and if dengue wasn't so prevalent here...we might have been quite comfortable to leave it as a viral rash!! Now when the 2nd one gets it...we know that its a viral rash!!

paw said...

2nd one??????

amelia thinks said...

Now now...before i get a whole chain of emails with regards to my comment...i am not pregnant!! Still trying to catch my breathe with Zac!