Wednesday, May 9, 2007

He has been seen!

Just when i complained about not being able to catch a glimpse of baby our following visit..he finally allowed us this "priviledge"! Wasn't a very clear picture, but at least now we know that he has a nose, mouth and 2 eyes! But seriously speaking, it was wonderful to be able to have this image to keep in my mind, while i labour for him to come out. Wanted to scan the picture in, but i think its too blur to make out shan't bother unless i do get an even clearer one on my next visit (which will be my 2nd last one!)
We finally packed our hospital bags...while packing them i felt a sudden calm about this whole impending experience...and bringing baby Ho's coming home clothes made the whole thing so REAL...imagining a tiny body in those clothes was very heart-warming!
Have started to do some things that are supposed to bring on labour...walking alot...walking up stairs...drinking raspberry leaf tea...and praying hard that he comes on time!!


filbert&fluff said...

Hot curries too! I clearly remember these days of waiting and waiting...they seem so distant though. Remember to pack camera and chargers!

paw said...

keke, sounds so exciting! glad that you are experiencing serenity rather than panic! :-) We are also eagerly awaiting Zachary's arrival and your sms to inform us!