Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mummy there's a monster under my bed...

Its amazing how many excuses Zac comes up with to DELAY having to actually sleep. Usually after reading the bible, praying, reading him some books, double checking if he has his big puppy and his small puppy and his mickey mouse and his 2 books and his pillow and his pacifier (embarrassingly he still needs this!), a kiss and a hug, turn on the music, turn off the lights, we close the door and hope for the best.
But evidently all that doesn't seem to be enough to keep him in his room and allow needful down time for Eugene and i. Now that he is very able to open ALL doors, he finds it a great display of independence to open his room door and saunter out to proclaim that....
- "There are ants on my bed"
- "The music is too loud"
- "I want the light off"
- "There is a spider coming down from my lights (which are not even on)"
- "I did a poop"
- "I need to wee"
- "smdieghtk" (Yup gibberish, desperate attempt)
_ " I don't like upstairs to be noisy"
- "There's thunder, i don't like it to rain"
- "I don't like the airplanes"
And the final exclaimation..." I cannot sleep"
And all this while we have to keep chasing him back to his room and reminding him to SLEEP ALREADY!!
Maybe we should move the door knobs higher!!!!!


Rhea ♥ said...

Hahaha Move the doorknobs higher! But also reminds you how much he has grown! Mentally and Physically! (:

eleanor said...

ahahah... that's quite funny, but i guess, not so much to you and eugene. :)

JimLuv said...

hi melia....poor you can't get enuff down time with hubby...but yeah very funny of zach...:) does he sees you and eugene together on the couch? a friend of ours tried this method that he heard from a sermon or something that because family is the only thing children understand at this age, they actually want to see that mummy and daddy are okay, enjoying themselves together so that they feel safe. So this friend of ours did what they call "mummy and daddy couch time" where mum and dad are on the couch talking about their days before dad plays with the chn (after work) and explained that you (the child) is very important to daddy, but mummy is the most important person for daddy and that's why mum n dad need to have quality time together, so they sat on the couch talking talking talking while the child is playing closeby. They said after having this regularly, the child become less and less out of the room...dunno if it's proven for a lot of other ppl but it worked for them...:) maybe u could give it a go...:)

how's little nat?


amelia thinks said...

Luvena...that sounds like an interesting suggestion to try out...and yes i think Zac needs to learn also that mummy has to be shared!!!