Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I seem to be drowning in never-ending piles of laundry both clean and dirty, a never-ending cycle of diaper changing (Put Nat's diaper on Zac's bum....toilet training needs to get started on Zac), plates and cups that keep appearing in my sink and conversations with Zac that never seem to end!!! OH yah...not forgetting a never-ending stream of spit-up milk from Natty. Does it ever ease up??


filbert&fluff said...

Repeat after me: this too shall pass, this too shall pass.

Nat's looking so chubby - was Zac ever this chubby at 2 months?

amelia thinks said...

Thanks Lianne...need to keep reminding myself..
NO...Zac was scrawny!!

Unknown said...

Melia, I totally understand! =) If you have enuf place to dry clothes, jus lift clean clothes off the rack whenever anyone needs a change! Or jus leave them in 4piles for each person. And teach Zac to "help" you with folding clothes! Barn started to fold stuff pretty early...