Have been meaning to put a post up for documentation sake but have been fighting off fatigue and swollen feet for the past week...so anyway here it is...
My little man is 2...we survived with God's grace and are now arming ourselves for year 3! We had a small gathering of sorts for all the little friends he has made and played with in one way or another and remembers them all fondly by name (usually in association with their mummies or where they stay!) I can never thank God enough for sustaining him and watching over him this past year...the number of stunts (often dangerous) he performs each day leaves much room for accidents to happen...or the number of times he eats with dirty hands leaves many germs to infect him...but God has allowed what is manageable to happen, giving us the strength and wisdom to deal with each situation when it happens.
He is learning and growing at an alarming rate...and we as parents are panting from the chase to keep up...but tiring and frustrating (at times) it may be we are savouring every minute of it and thank God for this little package of blessing that He has given us 2 years ago.

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