And yes...Natalie Ho Yi Xuan has arrived safe and sound....thank God for the quick birth and the perfect timing, i was not left stranded with Zac while i went into labour (as i had always dreamt of) so thank God for that!
Thought i should record my birth story...can't remember if i did this with Zac's delivery but writing and recounting the experience is good for my emotional health at the moment and to thank Him for all that He has seen us through!
Shall recount in point my brain is not quite working at the moment due to sleep deprivation!
- Started having contractions on Friday night (15th May), had it through the night, Eugene and i started panicking thinking that this is IT, and we haven't even set up her room yet...a million things not nappies, bags are ALMOST packed, Zac's overnight bag not packed etc. Started trying to settle these things in the middle of the night, thinking that i will go into labour soon.
- Contractions ceased by the morning. False alarm...apparantly...
- Saturday, went for usual gyna appointment...he said everything looks good, head is engaged but does not signify that i would go into labour soon...just means that i have saggy pelvic muscles! Convinced self that Natalie will not come so soon...maybe in a few weeks time..after all only in my 37th week.
- Sunday, went to church and convinced everybody that Natalie will prob only come in a few weeks time. Planned for the week and went to bed DEAD exhausted...
- Monday (18th may), my mum came to pick both Zac and i up to go over to her place for the day. Felt good...a bit pukey but overall OK.
- Took a short afternoon nap with Zac, couldn't find the energy to wake up from the nap.
- Was trying to entertain Zac in the afternoon when i started feeling contractions...didn't think much of it as i thought they were just strong braxton hicks (false contractions)
- Sat down for dinner...contractions started feeling a lot stronger and everybody worked up and panicky....called doula. (birth coach) She said to make our way to the hospital as i had a pretty fast birth with Zac too.
- Convinced self that this time its for real...wanted to take a bath but couldn't make it to the toilet without experiencing intense contractions.
- Said bye to Zac and explained as best as we could what was happening and what was going to happen...
- I must say that i was pretty calm compared to everybody else around me! Think i was running on adrenalin and was just happy that Natalie was coming out soon...
- Smooth and bearable ride to the hospital.
- Had to take temperature check and fill in forms at the hospital before they allowed us in (due to the H1N1 situaiton)...couldn't they see that i was in labour!!!!
- Able to walk to the labour ward.
- I remembered that a midwife even asked me to step on the weighing machine to take my weight!! Think i must have looked pretty ok, but was actually in much PAIN...
- Doula came...Eugene was asked to do admissions, he left the room!
- Everybody around me was hurrying to prepare the room and do STUFF...i was left ALONE!! Every contraction was OUCH!
- Every contraction was getting stronger and unbearable and the urge to push was getting stronger and STILL Eugene was stuck in admissions.
- Soon i was allowed to push...Eugene was paged back...he came in at the same time as my gyna...
- The rest...was...
- Natalie Ho came out screaming...mummy was relieved...daddy was relieved too...
That was as far as i could recall...i am sparing everybody from the really gory details...
Will post up some pictures of the little one and her brother soon...for the moment, i have to get back to my feeding duties...SIGH
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Zac's 2nd year of life...

Have been meaning to put a post up for documentation sake but have been fighting off fatigue and swollen feet for the past anyway here it is...
My little man is 2...we survived with God's grace and are now arming ourselves for year 3! We had a small gathering of sorts for all the little friends he has made and played with in one way or another and remembers them all fondly by name (usually in association with their mummies or where they stay!) I can never thank God enough for sustaining him and watching over him this past year...the number of stunts (often dangerous) he performs each day leaves much room for accidents to happen...or the number of times he eats with dirty hands leaves many germs to infect him...but God has allowed what is manageable to happen, giving us the strength and wisdom to deal with each situation when it happens.
He is learning and growing at an alarming rate...and we as parents are panting from the chase to keep up...but tiring and frustrating (at times) it may be we are savouring every minute of it and thank God for this little package of blessing that He has given us 2 years ago.

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