Yesterday was also a significant day as we move our little man into his first big boy bed! (so that Natty can have his cot). And so Zac discovers the joys of growing independence....he now dictates when he sleeps! Initially Eugene had to "pretend" to sleep next to him on the mattress next to his bed...didn't quite work out as our dear boy pranced around his "sleeping" dad, pulling out all his books from his bookshelves, examined the cupboards and took down all his posters...after which he finally slept after about an hour and a half. Tonight...we explained to him that daddy doesn't need to pat or sleep with him anymore as he is a big boy...and only babies need to be pat. We also allowed him to bring one friend into bed with him...doggie, and explained that doggie wants to sleep with him on the bed and needs to be pat. He seemed to accept this feeble explanation quite willingly...and tonight he went to sleep on his own!! (we think...cos we just left him in his room and closed the door...don't hear any noises coming out from there so should be all clear!)
So....thank God it seems to be working out...2 more months of changes as we prepare for Natty...
How did Zach agree with the name?
Zac is a BIG boy now, when is Ernest going to understand what I am trying to say?
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