There is something about Zac that makes his little mei mei squeal in delight, waving her arms frantically and coo at the top of her voice..its most delightful to watch. There is also something about Natalie that makes her gor gor scream in frustration, whine for attention and wait in anticipation for her to give him that beaming smile that he has slowly grown to love. Truely amazing to watch this sibling relationship grow as they grow side by side and learn to love each other in a very unique way.
Yes we are still suriviving as time flies by us...Nat has just turned 4 months and Zac is well on his way to being 2.5 years (i have lost track of how many months he is...) There are good and bad moments and times when i just want to pull my hair out in frustration and exhaustion but at the end of the day when we have quiet moments as a family...i feel myself embracing this chaotic and hectic life we now have! I love my 2 little angels very much and i hope that they know that too...