Weeks are flying by...and the count down has started, roughly 4 more weeks till we are a family of 4. I am getting bigger, clumsier and getting more impatient to meet her. Think this time round, i am also alot more paranoid about labour and much more sensitive to cramps and i succumb to thoughts of "am i starting labour?" very frequently!! Also started having nightmares of being in the delivery room again...ignorance is truely bliss.
But at the same time, i am thankful and amazed at His providence and grace over this little one...and how He has sustained me throughout this pregnancy so far. Just praying for lots and lots of patience, strength and joy when i am faced with 2 cranky children!
We are almost there in terms of getting stuff ready for Natalie...just a few more things to prepare and of cos...we really need to start looking into packing that hospital bag...we didn't do so well the last time.
On another note...my little man is turning 2 soon too...was just looking at his first year birthday pictures (which were so well-taken by Shawn) and the memories of that first year warmed my heart and filled it with much thankfulness and joy...thank You God for this little package of joy that you have given to me. He has indeed grown and matured so much that it astounds me each day...