Thought i better jot down a few of his highlights this past month...before he turns 9 months old!
- He has perfected a cheeky smile for occassions when he feels cheeky.
- He has ventured on his fours! Yes...he can crawl now...although he is a bit hesitant to crawl on the hard floor...too pain for his precious knees.
- He responds when talked to...with various sounds...or sometimes he just gives his cheeky grin.
- He is able to recognise familiar faces and welcomes them with a big smile.
- People are able to now discern that he is a boy...we used to get a few random strangers who ask us if he is a boy or girl?
- He is getting increasingly "sticky" to Eugene and i...esp when strangers want to carry him.
- He is able to pull out his dummy and has been trying to put it back into his mouth.
- He is now eating fish and various vegetables and fruits...yet to try chicken.
- He is now able to successfully pull out his socks!
- His poops are now resembling ours...oops think that was an overshare!
- He has now outgrown all his 6 month old clothes.
- He hates wearing shoes...he will try his very best to kick them off.
- He is able to recognise faces on photos.
- We think he is able to recognise and point to the objects...lights, Christmas tree, fan and tunnel.
- He has an obsession with velcro.
- He officially hates sleep!! or naps!!
- He still does not have any teeth!!! When are they coming cos his gums are giving him much grief!!!
Yup...and onto other updates..
We are finally getting the keys to our new place!! Yeah...finally...after being a nomad for almost 5 years now. We really have to decide what we want in our new place and work out our budget!