He turned 6 whole months last week...and i guess its good for me to take stock after each month...
- Zach is alot more cooperative now that he is slightly older...but he still has his cranky days and his day naps are getting shorter and shorter! Not good!
- He is ever willing to smile and chuckle at anyone...trying to entice them to play with him or carry him. But he does reserve his sweetest smile for moi!
- Still plodging along with his solids. He is still not too keen on sweet potato although i have pureed it and am still trying hard to find organic fruits and vegetables for him. That means sacrificing the freedom to go on shopping sprees as organic stuff is NOT cheap! Probably going to give up this quest for all things organic soon...quite impossible to find a variety of fruits here. Seem to be losing interest in his milk though. Have been pumping after every feed, trying to keep the milk supply up! Such a battle...
- He is displaying a insatiable amount of energy nowadays...need to sign him up for gymboree or go for swimming lessons soon. Need to use all that energy up or i'll go crazy.
- The only thing he will sit still for is story time. Other than that...even the TV doesn't quite keep him still. I dread to think of the time when he can crawl, walk and jump!
- He is able to sit on his own for some time now...without toppling over.
- He is drooling ALOT!!
- He has lost interest in his hands..now the feet.
- He is using his vocal cords alot more...the sounds he make sound like complaints.
- He is curious and distracted by everything around him. That makes breast feeding quite impossible at times!!
Thank God for the past 6 months...am still learning and perserving through the hard times.